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OSBot 1.8.1-6


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I'm pleased to announce the fix for today's update. This 1.8.X release features several bug-fixes and additions:

  • Client downloader no longer crashes or require relaunching
  • Interface callback injector has been patched (fixes walking for new update).
  • A new boot loader with stealth injection ported from OSBot 2 (this should combat a technique that's possibly used for insta-bans)
  • When the client is offline, CPU usage doesn't skyrocket.
  • Local scripts are now loaded before remote scripts.


Download: http://osbot.org/get/index.php


Happy botting!



Laz and the OSBot Team.



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is this is going to disable steath injector too?

"c:\<path to java>\javaw.exe" -Xmx1024m -XX:-UseSplitVerifier -Xbootclasspath/p:"C:<path to osbot>\OSBot\data\filter_2e85c861.jar" -cp "< path to jar >/osbot_latest.jar";"< path to jar >/osbot_latest.jar" org.osbot.engine.Main

That works too. Remember that filter jar is specific to your JRE. It gets automatically generated by the stealth loader.

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