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Project-Sidewinder [TEAM NEEDED]

Rambo Red Bar

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I am looking for a team of like minded individuals to help get this project in to the development stage I am seeking people who want to help create this game and help it grow.


ATM this is in really early stages as all as it has at the moment is a website which is around 80% complete www.project-sidewinder.com the type of staff that I need are people that have experience in making any type of video games through any kind of games engine or java. It does not matter if you don't have much experience as long as you have a passion for creating a game's and have the ability to self learn. 


This project is entirely self funded by my self and I wont be able any of the members that help with this project how ever all credit will be given to any one who helps along the way and also when this game is up and running, any profits/revenue from the game will be shared amongst the staff.



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thanks for your input man, i understand its going to be a HUGE learning curve and at time finding my self facing a brick wall. but I think that if i get the right team behind me this could be achieved. not over night but piece by piece and it will slowly take form smile.png

That's a great way to think! I'm just trying to put things in perspective for you. Just like you said, this isn't going to be an easy overnight project.


Best of luck with it though :)

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