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Path generator


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I created this since I had to make many small paths that I couldn't well use with a map; hope someone finds some use in it tongue.png


-It will automatically copy the code to your clipboard
-It will also print it out in log
Yea just put in the tile distance (I usually use 5 it seems to work well for walking long distances).


Source if you want it

package com.zscripz;

import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard;
import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.osbot.script.Script;
import org.osbot.script.ScriptManifest;
import org.osbot.script.rs2.map.Position;
	@ScriptManifest(name = "zWalker", author = "zScripz", version = 1.0, info="Creates a path based on tile distance")
	public class Walker extends Script {
		ArrayList<Position> posList = new ArrayList<>();
		Gui gui;
		Position control;
		public void onStart(){
			gui = new Gui();
			control = client.getMyPlayer().getPosition();
		public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException{
		if (!gui.textField.getText().equals("")) {
			if (distance(control) >= gui.getTileDistance()) {
				control = client.getMyPlayer().getPosition();
				log("Position added!");
		return 0;
		public String convertPos(Position p) {
			return "(" + p.getX() + "," + p.getY() + "," + p.getZ() + ")" + ", ";
		public void onExit() { 
			StringBuilder sB = new StringBuilder();
			sB.append("Position[] path = new Position[] { ");
			for(int i = 0; i < posList.size(); i++) {
				sB.append("new Position" + convertPos(posList.get(i)));
			sB.append(" };");
			String myString = sB.toString();
			StringSelection stringSelection = new StringSelection (myString);
			Clipboard clpbrd = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
			clpbrd.setContents (stringSelection, null);
			log("Text copied to clipboard!");
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I am sorry i feel stupid for asking but i have no experience with scripting and i would really like to learn, how would i go about making a script walk with this? How would i add it in would i need anything before/after the source you have given?


This won't walk anywhere, this will just generate an array of positions based on where you walk your character

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