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OSBot Source


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This is bad, because if one day OsBot company or developers can not fix any update certainly would need someone to help.
And there are many players and contributors who are good at programming true legends of programming.




And there are many people who'd be just delighted to steal the source and use it for their own profit, not after developers quit, but right now.

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The source will never be given out, unless they decide to sell it in the future.

If they created a whole botting client, I doubt they'll have issues with future updates.


You are aware that the Osbot them not of my own creation, many of the methods and classes that compose it are the old RSBot.


To assert that it was the best bot ever.
I have the client on my home saved them for his own use and manusei own, but is not working anymore.
I believe that to work would be necessary adaptations and major adaptations!
Edited by krakeen
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