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Misc Guides (Guide 1)


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I'm going to be doing guides, like in real-life tips, and other crap, lets start this out with a fun origami  NINJA star smile.png.

The only thing you'll be working with is paper, (The rubber band in step 8 was for the picture only).

You can use any size paper, although the bigger the paper the easier it is, you could buy poster-board and make a giant star and F*ck shit up smile.png.

The end product looks like this:

d02e3c22733ff992ae41146d5ee1721d.png   49eca569134db42d29c55e2577533fff.png

Step 1.

Fold the paper in half back and forth this way:


Step 2.

Rip the paper into two halves (Make sure to do it as seen):


Step 3.

Take one of the halves and fold it into a rectangle the following way:

4299f201481a2a9a0eafce743d3a8ecc.png  a6ec10b0bbd858902183c2b6d0b0658d.png  e3f8e77953126422662016310d295c86.png

Step 4.

Do the following:

74b68c916c64fb2a0f57fe8a1fda1630.png   5774e502eeceb7e7a407a3aee616cb8b.png   5b26d24e183b8b4993988e113877ee46.png   ebb97fb80b5da5ae54e2cc60c4f62388.png

Step 5.                                         Step 6.                                        Step 7.                                       Step 8. (Read next line before this

Flip the paper over                               Fold an end down like this               Fold the corner down like this     Fold it this way

c693eff840a76440c3786681cab72b8b.png   c6efb7968df4788dab83d500efcb0133.png   698609a0a61bed298b4a69d9ed0d9ca7.png   15437cc636c387d4bc3c496b3f46b769.png

You don't need a rubber band for step 8, I couldn't keep it down for the picture.

Step 9.                                         Step 10.

Fold down the other end                   Do steps 1-9 to the other half      Put one over the other             Start folding it like a box

cb2bccb685a54336d9d157dbd007dc1f.png   ef78e98d13b6efa2c79e6ca3f462eeef.png   3705c3291e5cbca88aed2fcc99f10940.png   5833458177968ff6f1aab42e3040f72b.png



fd66e6b3fb06d57c3043e0d995f2ae1c.png And...................................  d02e3c22733ff992ae41146d5ee1721d.png

You're finished!



Edited by jamesboy27
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