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I don't have scripter rank but im a scripter, is there any way i can get access to the client when scripters do?

The main reason i haven't got scripter is because i haven't got internet and i've had exams so have been too busy with uni to write scripts and have them at a stage that im happy to release them at.

Exams are finished now so i have plenty of time for scripting :) Been scripting the past couple days, trying to get my scripts finished and ready for release both here and on other sites

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Due to this post I bought Sponsor.


Something I want to say would be adding different settings for different bots.


EG: If you pick low cpu on one tab, it doesn't select all the bots to be low cpu, just specific ones. Or random handlers seeming as some scripts have their own in built random handlers. That would be nice.


Keep it up!

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