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Neeed help with Assembly program (ARM)


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Ok so my assignment is to make a calculator, that given input from a textfile, will determine what I am to calculate. I am then to make a program that decodes the instruction, and runs the proper calculation according to the input. I am not having trouble loading the input or anything, I am having a problem where, every one of my functions runs regardless. So when I try to add something, it gets added, subtracted, and multiplied, etc. 


Here is my current code:

.globl _start

@ error code values
@ you can easily load these like: mov r0,#ERR_OP_UNDEFINED
.equ ERR_NONE, 0x00000000
.equ ERR_OP_UNDEFINED, 0x00000001
.equ ERR_OP_OVERFLOW, 0x00000002
.equ ERR_OP_DIV_BY_ZERO, 0x00000003

	@ set up r0 with _operandA
        @ for example:
	@ldr	r3,=_operandA
	@ldr	r0,[r3]		@ r0 := mem[r3]
	ldr	r3,=_operandA                                   
	ldr	r0,[r3]		@ r0 := mem[r3]=operandA     r0 contains the first variable
	ldr	r3,=_operandB
	ldr	r1,[r3]		@ r1 := mem[r3]=operandB     r1 contains the second
	ldr	r3,=_operation
	ldr	r2,[r3]		@ r2 :=mem[r3]=operation     r2 contains the number corresponding to      
                                                             the operation I am supposed to execute
                                                             all of these load properly

        @ modify appropriately based on input arguments (e.g., decode _operation)

@These compare statements are what im not quite understanding correctly...
@Why the hell do they all execute, when only one of them should...
@note I am requred to use bl
	cmpeq	r2,#1
	mov	r8,#5		@test this compare
	bl	executeAdd

	cmpeq	r2, #2
	mov	r9,#6		@test this compare
	bl	executeSubtract

	cmpeq	r2, #3
	mov	r10,#7		@test this compare
	bl	executeMultiply

	cmpeq	r2, #4
	mov	r11,#8		@test this compare
	bl	executeDivide

	cmpeq	r2, #5
	mov	r12,#9		@test this compare
	bl	executeNegate

@the instructor added this here and it is required to be here
iloop:	b iloop			@ leave this infinite loop at the end of your program (needed for grading)

@ write execution procedures here:
@ I started by writing the first 3
@ Note I am required to use bx lr at the end of the procedure
	cmp	r2,#1
	mov	r4,#0
	add	r4,r0,r1	@ r4 := r0+r1
	mov	r2,#99
	bx	lr

	mov	r5,#0
	sub	r5,r0,r1	@ r5 := r0-r1
	mov	r2,#99
	bx	lr

	mov	r6,#8
	mul	r6,r0,r1	@r6 := r0*r1
	mov	r2,#99
	bx	lr

	mov	r2,#99
	bx	lr
	mov	r2,#99
	bx	lr


@ write error handling procedures here:
@ NOTE: you'll want to use the stack here, since these handlers may be called from other functions (e.g., handleDivByZero will be called by executeDivide)

	bx	lr

	bx	lr

	bx	lr

And here is my resulting output to the registers after I am finished:




I placed 5,6,7,8 in registers 8,9,10,11,12 in order to test the compare statement, and they all execute..

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