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there's different game types and different options for those game types. the sole purpose is to destroy the enemies nexus which is in their base. You have a lane and you have to push it faster/better than the opponent or else they'll get into your base. you can play with people or with bots (beginner & intermediate settings).

there's a lot more to it but that's just the jist, it's fun. try it out smile.png

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Guest Simon

Leage of Legends is a 5v5 Arena game. Dota (Defence of the ancients) is it's mother-game (mother of most AOS games). Another similar game is Heroes of Newerth (more in-depth than LoL and better graphics).


Your mission is to work with your team and defeat the opposite team. You select your character (a list of heroes) and begin the game. There are several shops where you can buy items to increase speed, get new abilities and much more. You level by killing mobs (auto-respawns from enemies lair) or by killing heroes (other players, gives more experience). Whenever you level, you can increase your skill levels by 1. If you are killed, you will respawn in your base after X-time (different in all games, I don't know what LoL's re-spawn time is but I guess it's based on your level. High level = slow resapwn, low = faster).


Main mission: Destroy the other team's base, working with your team to success.

Search YouTube for tutorials.

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Leage of Legends is a 5v5 Arena game. Dota (Defence of the ancients) is it's mother-game (mother of most AOS games). Another similar game is Heroes of Newerth (more in-depth than LoL and better graphics).


Your mission is to work with your team and defeat the opposite team. You select your character (a list of heroes) and begin the game. There are several shops where you can buy items to increase speed, get new abilities and much more. You level by killing mobs (auto-respawns from enemies lair) or by killing heroes (other players, gives more experience). Whenever you level, you can increase your skill levels by 1. If you are killed, you will respawn in your base after X-time (different in all games, I don't know what LoL's re-spawn time is but I guess it's based on your level. High level = slow resapwn, low = faster).


Main mission: Destroy the other team's base, working with your team to success.

Search YouTube for tutorials.


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Little late here, but it's not just 5v5. More people do play it for the 5v5 though. It's a MOBA game (multiplayer online battle arena). It takes a lot of coordination and effort to work with the team. It's kind of hard at first, but you'll eventually settle in. There's a lot of ragers, just remember this. Don't let them get to you. If someone starts raging on you because you did something wrong, then just ignore them. (You can hold Tab and click on their little chat bubble). Remember that it's just a game and that you'll lose a bunch. Don't blame your team mates. Just try to have fun.

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Little late here, but it's not just 5v5. More people do play it for the 5v5 though. It's a MOBA game (multiplayer online battle arena). It takes a lot of coordination and effort to work with the team. It's kind of hard at first, but you'll eventually settle in. There's a lot of ragers, just remember this. Don't let them get to you. If someone starts raging on you because you did something wrong, then just ignore them. (You can hold Tab and click on their little chat bubble). Remember that it's just a game and that you'll lose a bunch. Don't blame your team mates. Just try to have fun.

Thanks for more info :D

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