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Stealth Firecape


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On 5/5/2023 at 11:47 AM, Mill2y said:

ok so this worked perfectly up until Jad. once that wave hit, it wouldn't move and would only flick prayer between melee, missiles and magic. wouldn't attack. only examine.

[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:09 PM]: DEBUG: Animation range detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:09 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:09 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:09 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:10 PM]: INFO: Targeting Jad [H]
[INFO][Bot #2][05/05 06:43:10 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated because of break condition!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:11 PM]: DEBUG: frostcaves.g.w.CoN has timed out [1400]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:11 PM]: INFO: Targeting Jad [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:12 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:12 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:14 PM]: DEBUG: Animation magic detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:14 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:14 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:14 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:14 PM]: DEBUG: Magic audio detected
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:16 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:16 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:19 PM]: DEBUG: Magic audio detected
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:19 PM]: DEBUG: Animation magic detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:19 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:19 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:19 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:21 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:21 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #2][05/05 06:43:21 PM]: interaction event: Bank chest => [Bank, Use]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:24 PM]: DEBUG: Animation range detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:24 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:24 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:24 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:26 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:26 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:28 PM]: DEBUG: Animation range detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:28 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:28 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:28 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:30 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:30 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:33 PM]: DEBUG: Animation range detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:33 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:33 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:33 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:35 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:35 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:38 PM]: DEBUG: Animation magic detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:38 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:38 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:38 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:38 PM]: DEBUG: Magic audio detected
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:40 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:40 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:43 PM]: DEBUG: Animation range detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:43 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:43 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:43 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:45 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:45 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #2][05/05 06:43:46 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated because of break condition!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:48 PM]: DEBUG: Animation range detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:48 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:48 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:48 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:50 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:50 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:52 PM]: DEBUG: Animation magic detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:52 PM]: DEBUG: Magic audio detected
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:52 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:52 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:52 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:54 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:54 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:57 PM]: DEBUG: Animation range detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:57 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:57 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:57 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES to true
[INFO][Bot #2][05/05 06:43:58 PM]: interaction event: Bank chest => [Bank, Use]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:59 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:43:59 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:02 PM]: DEBUG: Animation magic detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:02 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:02 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:02 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:02 PM]: DEBUG: Magic audio detected
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:03 PM]: INFO: Restoring (R3) [pray: 6]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:04 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:04 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:07 PM]: DEBUG: Animation range detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:07 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:07 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:07 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:09 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:09 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:12 PM]: DEBUG: Magic audio detected
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:12 PM]: DEBUG: Audio magic detect
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:12 PM]: DEBUG: Jad is attacking [H]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:12 PM]: INFO: Switching to PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:12 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:14 PM]: INFO: Reverting prayer to PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:14 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:16 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has paused!
[INFO][Bot #2][05/05 06:44:16 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated because of high priority break condition!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:17 PM]: DEBUG: Animation range detect
[INFO][Bot #2][05/05 06:44:25 PM]: interaction event: Bank chest => [Bank, Use]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:29 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Firecape...
[INFO][Bot #1][05/05 06:44:29 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has exited!

Sorry for the delay, do you remember what you had for left/right click options on NPCs?

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[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:42 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:42 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:43 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:43 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:44 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:44 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:45 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:45 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:46 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:46 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:47 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:47 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:48 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:50 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:50 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:51 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:06 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has resumed!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:06 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:07 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:07 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:08 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:08 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:09 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:09 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:10 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:10 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:10 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Firecape...
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:10 PM]: Shutting down script background executors
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:11 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has exited!
[INFO][05/19 06:20:31 PM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 72 scripts.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: Constructing break manager !
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: Initializing frostbreakmanager
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading cursor.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_time.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_skull.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_cape.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:35 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:35 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:36 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:36 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:37 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:37 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:38 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:38 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:39 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:39 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:40 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:40 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:41 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:41 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:42 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:42 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:43 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:43 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:44 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:44 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:44 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:45 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Firecape...
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:45 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:46 PM]: Shutting down script background executors
[INFO][05/19 06:20:56 PM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 72 scripts.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: Constructing break manager !
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: Initializing frostbreakmanager
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading cursor.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_time.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_skull.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_cape.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:59 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:59 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:00 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:00 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:01 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:01 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:02 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:02 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:03 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:03 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:04 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:04 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:05 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:05 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:06 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:06 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:07 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:07 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:08 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:08 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:09 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:09 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:10 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:10 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:11 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:11 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:12 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:12 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:13 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:13 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:14 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:14 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:15 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:15 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:16 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:16 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:17 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:17 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:18 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:18 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:19 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:19 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]


1 minute ago, Swisher Sweets said:

[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:42 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:42 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:43 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:43 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:44 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:44 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:45 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:45 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:46 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:46 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:47 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:47 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:48 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:50 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:50 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:51 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:06 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has resumed!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:06 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:07 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:07 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:08 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:08 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:09 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:09 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:10 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:10 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:10 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Firecape...
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:10 PM]: Shutting down script background executors
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:11 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has exited!
[INFO][05/19 06:20:31 PM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 72 scripts.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: Constructing break manager !
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: Initializing frostbreakmanager
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading cursor.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_time.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_skull.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_cape.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:35 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:35 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:36 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:36 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:37 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:37 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:38 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:38 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:39 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:39 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:40 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:40 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:41 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:41 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:42 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:42 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:43 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:43 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:44 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:44 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:44 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:45 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Firecape...
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:45 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:46 PM]: Shutting down script background executors
[INFO][05/19 06:20:56 PM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 72 scripts.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: Constructing break manager !
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: Initializing frostbreakmanager
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading cursor.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_time.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_skull.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_cape.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:59 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:59 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:00 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:00 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:01 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:01 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:02 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:02 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:03 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:03 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:04 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:04 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:05 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:05 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:06 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:06 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:07 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:07 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:08 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:08 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:09 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:09 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:10 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:10 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:11 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:11 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:12 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:12 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:13 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:13 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:14 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:14 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:15 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:15 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:16 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:16 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:17 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:17 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:18 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:18 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:19 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:19 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]


Stealth mode, Doesnt even pop up anything for me to select the mode just instantly starts doing this. If i click off inventory it does click it back on though.

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On 5/19/2023 at 10:43 PM, sincebirthosrs said:

Just purchased and realized it wasn't letting me run the script if I didn't have bp equipped. 
I tried doing it with bowfa and crystal armor but it failed to start the script until I equipped a bp. 

Crystal bow is not supported

On 5/20/2023 at 1:22 AM, Swisher Sweets said:

[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:42 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:42 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:43 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:43 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:44 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:44 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:45 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:45 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:46 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:46 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:47 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:47 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:48 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:50 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:50 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:19:51 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:06 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has resumed!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:06 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:07 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:07 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:08 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:08 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:09 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:09 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:10 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:10 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:10 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Firecape...
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:10 PM]: Shutting down script background executors
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:11 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has exited!
[INFO][05/19 06:20:31 PM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 72 scripts.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: Constructing break manager !
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: Initializing frostbreakmanager
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading cursor.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_time.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_skull.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:34 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_cape.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:35 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:35 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:36 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:36 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:37 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:37 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:38 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:38 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:39 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:39 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:40 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:40 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:41 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:41 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:42 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:42 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:43 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:43 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:44 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:44 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:44 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:45 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Firecape...
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:45 PM]: Script Stealth Firecape has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:46 PM]: Shutting down script background executors
[INFO][05/19 06:20:56 PM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 72 scripts.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: Constructing break manager !
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: Initializing frostbreakmanager
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading cursor.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_time.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_skull.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: >£% Loading {0}
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:57 PM]: DEBUG: @# Loading icon_cape.png, success: true
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:59 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:20:59 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:00 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:00 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:01 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:01 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:02 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:02 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:03 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:03 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:04 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:04 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:05 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:05 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:06 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:06 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:07 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:07 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:08 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:08 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:09 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:09 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:10 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:10 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:11 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:11 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:12 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:12 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:13 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:13 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:14 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:14 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:15 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:15 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:16 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:16 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:17 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:17 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:18 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:18 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:19 PM]: caching inventory origin
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 06:21:19 PM]: successfully cached inventory origin: java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=-1]


Stealth mode, Doesnt even pop up anything for me to select the mode just instantly starts doing this. If i click off inventory it does click it back on though.

I've pushed an update, does it still do this?

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Does this still have prayer flicking? haven't seen the option to select it..

tried 4 times now and hasn't made it to jad yet. got stuck on wave 30ish 3 times and mustve bugged coz it still had resources left but last one managed to go to 60 nearly before running out of supplies

(66rng/ 70def/ 44prayer) dragon bolts diamond (e) with dragon crossbow

wanted to ask what you reckon I should try doing with it - i was gonna try getting 75 range for blow pipe but not sure how the bot handles that? lemme know ty!

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On 5/31/2023 at 4:58 AM, cs47 said:

@TokenIs it fixed?

Sorry for the delay, it should be working on the latest client version

On 5/26/2023 at 7:33 AM, HardNCorrect said:

continuously clicking the wrong prayers.

I think it should be fixed

On 6/5/2023 at 7:35 PM, eldunario said:

Does this still have prayer flicking? haven't seen the option to select it..

tried 4 times now and hasn't made it to jad yet. got stuck on wave 30ish 3 times and mustve bugged coz it still had resources left but last one managed to go to 60 nearly before running out of supplies

(66rng/ 70def/ 44prayer) dragon bolts diamond (e) with dragon crossbow

wanted to ask what you reckon I should try doing with it - i was gonna try getting 75 range for blow pipe but not sure how the bot handles that? lemme know ty!

There is no flicking support; That was removed because it seemed to cause lots of bans; 75 range would definitely help

On 6/7/2023 at 5:52 AM, Snucer said:

Any trials on this puppy?

I’m afraid I’m not currently doing trials :feels: 

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