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Fruity Barrows (Frost Barrows)


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On 9/13/2014 at 2:42 PM, FrostBug said:

5. You must have a hotkey assigned to the following tabs: Quest, Inventory, Equipment, Combat, Prayer, Magic (they have keys assigned by default)

Can you please explain what this means?


When I start the bot it checks how many charges my trident has then logs off. My staffs charge is higher then its minimum. Not sure if this is related to hot keys. 


Thank you.

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since around an hour ago, god knows what caused it, bot worked for around an hour, but then i come back and see him fuck up on karil, it cannot click on the tomb, the bot keeps trying to click next to the stairs while the debug says its trying to target the enemy, after a while it gives up, leaves, digs back down, and repeats, it moves the camera a bit every now and then but that doesnt help, let it do that for a few minutes before i realised its not going to help, god bless i was watching the bot or that would basically be a guaranteed ban.

After the first time it happened, its happening every single run now, fixed mode, mouse set to default, etc etc, nothing i can do, i would think its the osbot update that happened today that mightve caused it, and yet like i just said, the bot worked for an hour after i launched it, but after the first fuck up it doesnt seem to wanna work anymore.

Only happening at karils, and happens EVERY time, reset the bot, relaunched the client, nothing helped, in the current state the bot is unusable, a shame since i bought it just today, shouldve requested a trial.

Hope this gets fixed sooner rather than later.

Another issue i have that is only happening when using mirror mode, but that might be my pc problem, is when i let it run in the background and come back 20 mins later while playing other games the entire client is frozen, and i have to end everything via task manager, but thats probably on my end.


next day now, it seems to be working fine, maybe was an osbot issue since it just got updated, or its not fixed but something has to happen to trigger the bot to start fucking up, will need to babysit it to make sure,

Edited by flowsand
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it is incredibly frustrating seeing the bot waste both time and food, due to it starting eating at like 50 hp, it just keeps eating, gets hit, keeps eating, when it should just kill the mob unless it falls under 30 or so, cannot seem to find an option to set when it should eat, seems like a big oversight to me, hope that gets added, also, while i wasnt paying attention it seems to have bugged out, it didnt loot the chest but tpd out, so now its back at barrows after restocking at the bank, staying there like an idiot.

As it stands i do not recommend this bot to anyone that just wants to have a bot running doing its own thing, you NEED to babysit this bot, it fucks up frequently, usually every hour or so something will come up, it cant be just me when its bugged out 7 times now within 7 hours.

If you are fine with babysitting then the bot works fine, its not ideal, sluggish at many places, overall while a human would take around 5.5minutes for a run this bot takes 8, its not horrible but its not the best.

Get a trial first before buying it and see if you are ok with how it runs.


for the bot maker, you should try to install a failsafe, where if bot doesnt manage to complete an action within X minutes, prefferably less than 5 the lower the better, it will teleport back to the bank and then reset itself, that should be fine for now until you can fix all the issues, as it stands anyone that goes afk using this bot, which is the point of botting, WILL get banned due to the bot fucking up and screaming at jagex that its a bot.

EDIT2: it appears that if you do afk and the bot breaks, it does automatically log out after 5 minutes, i havent yet tested however if it works in all instances f.e when the bot breaks in the sense that it keeps entering and leaving tombs, i am not sure if the bot will automatically log out after 5 minutes of doing that, as its technically still processing actions, not something thats easy to test either as i cant just break the bot at will.

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Well seeing as Frost hasn't been on the forum since the 31st of March, he may be taking a little bit of a break. Hopefully not too long of one because I was really excited to buy this and start making some money. I'm glad I didn't go ahead with buying it seeing as there are many problems right now. Hopefully @FrostBug will be back soon to correct these problems because this bot has serious potential. 

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Why does the bot when started in bank or gets back to bank just keeps switching dueling ring around the inventory?

EDITED: figured out that you cannot be equiped the ring of dueling, cause the script thinks that it's misc aswell as armor and keeps switching it places. Now it works.

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21 hours ago, fazlitos said:

Hi, Bot is broken after the osbot update. It doesnt deactivate the prayer after it kills one of the barrows brother. At Karil the bot is not working at all. It dont attack or dont activate prayer.

works for me, so triple check if you have all the options set up correctly, also the first page of this thread has a "troubleshoot" tab made by @frostbug go look at that.

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after using it for about a week now, the bot is decent, runs are slower than youd hope but thats a bot issue and im not sure how hard it would be to code it to be faster, doesnt always click the same spots, so thats good.

my major issues are, mirror mode does not work, period, it will crash within an hour at most, not sure if the bot maker can fix that.

what the bot owner CAN fix however is add an option to set when to eat food, for me personally the bot starts to eat when im at like 60-70 hp, which is incredibly annoying since health is a resource and i would very much like it if i could set it to like 30, just wasting food for no reason, and slowing the runs down, not a big deal, but still something.

Otherwise if you arent using fixed mode it works fine, profit depends on your account, maxed account you can expect 600k profit per hour no items, add in the item average and you have around 800-900k, with BARELY any supplies, like ive used 8 prayer pots in the last 70 hours, but again, maxed account, using regular trident (swamp is not worth it when botting, bot is slow enough that the trident doesnt save you much time)

once you lower your stats you will see things go down a lot, keep that in mind, with a ready made bought barrows account you can expect 500k profit per hour after accounting for supplies, and thats with the item average inside that.


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