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Stealth Passive Goldfarmer


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20 hours ago, x3li said:

Can I try this? @Token

Authed :doge: 

20 hours ago, aj243 said:

Great script i have ran it 3 days straight no problems but would you be able to add making super compost as it saves alot of money.

Yes I'll add compost bins

10 hours ago, o0Stacey0o said:

Can i be a tester of this please..

Authed :doge: 

8 hours ago, Clarity Junction said:

Hey Token, is there a way to make it so 1 client is able to run multiple accounts? If not, is this in the works?

Not atm, maybe in the future, that's not sure yet, but starting multiple clients should do the job

8 hours ago, Charlesg7 said:

Hey token,

can I get your discord if possible just want to run some questions regarding this script :)

You can find me in OSBots official discord, invitation link is at the top of the page

4 hours ago, jessemason7 said:

could i give this a try please :)


Authed :doge: 

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