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WebWalk PathPreference question


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Im trying to set the webwalker to use teleports and check the bank for items. If I set both of these to true and I am next to a bank when the event is executed, the bot should automatically open the bank and withdraw teleport runes, correct?
Or is that only for items such as amulets, rings ect?


For reference, I am in Falador west bank trying to webwalk to varrock.

Edited by camaro 09
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3 hours ago, Heist said:

You should just test it. Only takes a minute to test.

I did before posting this, so I was asking for confirmation before I did something unnecessary.

3 hours ago, Malcolm said:

No, for the webwalker to use the teleports the required items need to be in the inventory/equipped.

So you'd have to code the banking to withdraw the runes/tab/ring/whatever teleport you're using and then enable teleports in the PPP.

Thanks :)

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