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Combat Stance changing


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I was wondering if anyone knows if combat stances are implemented anywhere in the API?


I'm looking to create a combat script that levels attack/strength/defence evenly up to 30.

For example, levels 1-10 attack then switches to strength 1-10 etc.

Was just curious if there was a better way to do this other than through widgets...


Here is the code I made to solve the issue...



Edited by EsotericRS
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Look into configs. Every time you change an attack style your config #'s will change. You can do this by going into the OSbot clients Settings<Options<Debug<Configs. Personally haven't used configs yet but i'd imagine you can do something along the lines of this (Don't copy & paste these config #s are made up)

if(getConfigs == 123 && getSkills.getStatic(Skill.ATTACK) == 10) {

change attack style code here, maybe use widgets for this may be easier way.. 



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30 minutes ago, Imthabawse said:

Look into configs. Every time you change an attack style your config #'s will change. You can do this by going into the OSbot clients Settings<Options<Debug<Configs. Personally haven't used configs yet but i'd imagine you can do something along the lines of this (Don't copy & paste these config #s are made up)

if(getConfigs == 123 && getSkills.getStatic(Skill.ATTACK) == 10) {

change attack style code here, maybe use widgets for this may be easier way.. 



Thanks a lot for this. Got me down the right path. If anyone else is interested there is a detailed explanation into this in this guide under 'Configs'.



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