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QuickExchange (yet another GE API)


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I needed an easy way to buy and sell items, not giving a shit about the cost of the items. I also needed to operate with only item names, because handling IDs for the script I'm writing is out of the question.

QuickExchange lets you buy and sell GE items in one line of code, using the +-5% modifiers to try to ensure you succeed.

QuickExchange extends MethodProvider, so you'll have to add a getter for it somewhere. I also use the conditional sleeps and WidgetActionFilters courtesy of Explv, and a small Wrapper class because Java's lambda enclosure rules suck.

ctx.getQuickExchange().quickSell("Coal", 2);
ctx.getQuickExchange().quickBuy("Amulet of power", 1, false);







package nox.scripts.noxscape.core.api;

import nox.scripts.noxscape.util.Sleep;
import nox.scripts.noxscape.util.WidgetActionFilter;
import nox.scripts.noxscape.util.Wrapper;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.GrandExchange;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Item;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class QuickExchange extends MethodProvider {

    private int WIDGET_ROOT_SEARCHITEM = 162;

    private String WIDGET_TEXT_SEARCHITEM = "Start typing the name of an item to search for it.";

    private String NPC_NAME = "Grand Exchange Clerk";
    private String NPC_ACTION_EXCHANGE = "Exchange";

    private String ITEM_ACTION_OFFER = "Offer";

    private WidgetActionFilter decreaseWidgetFilter = new WidgetActionFilter("-5%");
    private WidgetActionFilter increaseWidgetFilter = new WidgetActionFilter("+5%");

    public QuickExchange(MethodProvider api) {

    public boolean isOpen() {
        return getGrandExchange().isOpen();

    public boolean open() {
        NPC npc = getNpcs().closest(NPC_NAME);

        if (npc == null) {
            log("Unable to locate Grand Exchange NPC");
            return false;

        if (!npc.interact(NPC_ACTION_EXCHANGE)) {
            log("Error interacting with Grand Exchange NPC");
            return false;

        Sleep.until(this::isOpen, 6000, 800);

        return isOpen();

    public boolean hasOpenBox() {
        List<GrandExchange.Box> boxesToCheck;
        // If we're (presumably) a non-mem, we only check the first 3 boxes
        if (getWorlds().isMembersWorld()) {
            boxesToCheck = Arrays.asList(GrandExchange.Box.values());
        } else {
            boxesToCheck = Arrays.asList(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1, GrandExchange.Box.BOX_2, GrandExchange.Box.BOX_3);

        // Return true if any box is empty
        return boxesToCheck.stream().anyMatch(box -> getGrandExchange().getStatus(box) == GrandExchange.Status.EMPTY);

    public boolean quickBuy(String itemName, int amount, boolean withdrawToBank) throws InterruptedException {
        if (itemName == null)
            return false;

        if (!getInventory().contains("Coins")) {
            log("Inventory contains no money to buy item " + itemName);
            return false;

        GrandExchange.Box boxToUse = tryGetOpenBox();
        if (boxToUse == null) {
            log("No GE Boxes available to use to buy item " + itemName);
            return false;

        if (getGrandExchange().isSellOfferOpen()) {
            if (!getGrandExchange().goBack()) {
                log("Error returning to main GE Screen");
                return false;

        if (!getGrandExchange().buyItems(boxToUse)) {
            log("Error interacting with buy-offer widget");
            return false;

        Sleep.until(() -> getGrandExchange().isBuyOfferOpen() && getWidgets().singleFilter(WIDGET_ROOT_SEARCHITEM, w -> w != null && w.getMessage() != null && w.getMessage().equals(WIDGET_TEXT_SEARCHITEM)) != null, 5000, 500);


        final Wrapper<RS2Widget> searchItemWidget = new Wrapper<>();
        Sleep.until(() -> {
            searchItemWidget.set(getWidgets().singleFilter(WIDGET_ROOT_SEARCHITEM, f -> f != null && f.getMessage() != null && f.getMessage().equals(itemName)));
            return searchItemWidget.isSet();
        }, 6000, 1000);

        if (!searchItemWidget.isSet()) {
            log(String.format("Unable to locate searched item (%s)", itemName));
            return false;

        if (!searchItemWidget.get().interact()) {
            log(String.format("Error interacting with searched item (%s)", itemName));
            return false;

        Sleep.until(() -> getWidgets().singleFilter(getGrandExchange().getInterfaceId(), w -> w != null && w.getMessage() != null && w.getMessage().equals(itemName)) != null, 10000, 1000);

        return finishHandlingItem(itemName, amount, true, withdrawToBank, boxToUse);

    public boolean quickSell(String itemName, int amount) throws InterruptedException {
        if (itemName == null)
            return false;

        if (!getInventory().contains(itemName)) {
            log("Inventory does not contain item indicated to sell");
            return false;

        if (getInventory().getAmount(itemName) < amount) {
            log("Inventory does not contain enough " + itemName + "to sell");
            return false;

        GrandExchange.Box boxToUse = tryGetOpenBox();
        if (boxToUse == null) {
            log("No GE Boxes available to use to sell item " + itemName);
            return false;

        if (getGrandExchange().isBuyOfferOpen()) {
            if (!getGrandExchange().goBack()) {
                log("Error returning to main GE Screen");
                return false;

        if (!getInventory().interact(ITEM_ACTION_OFFER, itemName)) {
            log("Error trying interact with item " + itemName);
            return false;

        Sleep.until(() -> getGrandExchange().isSellOfferOpen(), 2000, 400);

        return finishHandlingItem(itemName, amount, false, true, boxToUse);

    private boolean finishHandlingItem(String itemName, int amount, boolean isBuying, boolean withdrawToBank, GrandExchange.Box boxToUse) throws InterruptedException {
        if (getGrandExchange().getOfferQuantity() != amount) {
            if (!getGrandExchange().setOfferQuantity(amount)) {
                log(String.format("Error setting offer quantity for item %s and amount %d", itemName, amount));
                return false;

        if (!modifyPricePct(isBuying)) {
            log("Error modifying price");
            return false;

        if (isBuying) {
            Item coins = getInventory().getItem("Coins");
            if (coins == null) {
                log("No coins in inventory to purchase item " + itemName);
                return false;
            if (coins.getAmount() < getGrandExchange().getOfferPrice()) {
                log(String.format("Insufficient coinage to purchase %s, you need %d coins (had %d)", itemName, getGrandExchange().getOfferPrice(), coins.getAmount()));
                return false;

        if (!getGrandExchange().confirm()) {
            log("Error pressing confirm for item(s) " + itemName);
            return false;

        GrandExchange.Status statusToWaitFor = (isBuying ? GrandExchange.Status.FINISHED_BUY : GrandExchange.Status.FINISHED_SALE);
        Sleep.until(() -> getGrandExchange().getStatus(boxToUse) == statusToWaitFor,
                10000, 1000);

        if (getGrandExchange().getStatus(boxToUse) == statusToWaitFor) {
            if (getInventory().isFull() && !withdrawToBank) {
                log("Inventory was too full to collect bought item(s) " + itemName);
                return false;
            if (getGrandExchange().collect(withdrawToBank)) {
                log(String.format("QuickExchange -- Successfully handled %dx %s at %dGP each.", amount, itemName, getGrandExchange().getItemPrice(boxToUse)));
                return true;

        return false;

    private boolean modifyPricePct(boolean increase) throws InterruptedException {
        RS2Widget widg = getWidgets().singleFilter(getGrandExchange().getInterfaceId(), increase ? increaseWidgetFilter : decreaseWidgetFilter);
        String message = increase ? "increase" : "decrease";
        if (widg == null) {
            log("Unable to locate 5% " + message + " filter");
            return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < random(2, 5); i++) {
            if (!widg.interact()) {
                log("Error interacting with 5% " + message + " widget");
                return false;

        return true;

    private GrandExchange.Box tryGetOpenBox() throws InterruptedException {
        if (!isOpen()) {
            log("Grand Exchange is not open");
            return null;

        if (!hasOpenBox()) {
            if (getGrandExchange().isOfferScreenOpen()) {
                if (!getGrandExchange().goBack()) {
                    log("Error returning to main GE Screen");
                    return null;
            if (getGrandExchange().collect(true)) {
                if (!hasOpenBox()) {
                    log("No open GrandExchange Boxes, and unable to collect any boxes");
                    return null;

        return Arrays.stream(GrandExchange.Box.values()).filter(f -> getGrandExchange().getStatus(f) == GrandExchange.Status.EMPTY).findFirst().orElse(null);









Edited by NoxMerc
adds catching for not-enough-coins
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On 12/24/2018 at 11:36 PM, NoxMerc said:

QuickExchange extends MethodProvider, so you'll have to add a getter for it somewhere

Can you provide an example of this?


Edit: it was easier to just refactor the code to not extend methodprovider, and have all of the functions expect you to pass in the methodprovider context as an argument.

Edited by Gabriel Ramuglia
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