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Monkley aka politje ban evading


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Past accounts (if you know of any) @politje

Current account: https://osbot.org/forum/profile/290308-monkley/

Reasoning: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/121739-account-recovered-politje/?tab=comments#comment-1382906


 Monkley says they are brothers.

But got lots of evidence that the both acc's are the same person



conversations are in dutch so i translated everything to english also added the original screens. 




Monkleyvandaag om 07:45

Ken ik jou niet ergens van?
(don't i know you from somewhere?)
Master00jvandaag om 08:26
dacht net het zelfde ja
(Was thinking exactly the same)

Master00jvandaag om 09:39

maar van waar

(but from where?)

Monkleyvandaag om 10:15
(it used to be a market forum but they decided to quit the forums due lack of active people)
Master00jvandaag om 10:51
(oh yeah thats true)
was jij niet banned op osb?
(weren't you banned on osbot)
Monkleyvandaag om 14:26
Hoezo dat?
Master00jvandaag om 14:26
1 politje
Monkleyvandaag om 14:31
Ja das ander acc
(yes thats an other account)
Van mn broer
(From my brother
Master00jvandaag om 15:52
jij bent toch politje
(you are politje isn't?)
Monkleyvandaag om 15:56
NEe mn broer
(No its my brother)
Master00jvandaag om 15:56
ahaha oke
Monkleyvandaag om 15:57
Dus veel mensen zien mij als hem aan
(so many people think that i'm him)
Master00jvandaag om 16:02
hoe ken jij me dan
(how is it possible that you know me then?)
Monkleyvandaag om 16:03
Ik heb ook op RSM gezeten
(i was active on rsmarkt.nl also)
Master00jvandaag om 16:03
welk acc,
(on which account?)
Monkleyvandaag om 16:03
Was niet echt bekend ofzo
(i wasn't famous)
Master00jvandaag om 16:03
jullie noemen beide niels?
(so you both have the same name "Niels"
Monkleyvandaag om 16:04
(he didn't understand the word "noemen")
Master00jvandaag om 16:04
zelfde namen?
(you both got the same name?)
Politje zijn naam was niels
(Politje's name is Niels)
Monkleyvandaag om 16:04
Ja klopt
(yes thats correct)
Is zijn naam
(it's his name)
Niet de mijne(gewijzigd)
(Not mine)
Master00jvandaag om 16:07
en jou naam op rsm is nielsthekiller?
(and your name on rsmarkt is Nielsthekiller?)
Monkleyvandaag om 16:08
Ik denk niels
( i think Niels)
Hij heeft hem aangemaakt
(he created that)
Maar is al tijdje terug
(but its been a while ago)
Master00jvandaag om 16:09
en zijn skype naam is zelfde als jou discord
(and his skype name is the same as your discord name)
vgm doe je gwn aan ban-evading
(i think you're just doing ban-evading)
Monkleyvandaag om 16:16
Nee is echt mn broer
(no its really my brother)
Ik heb geeneens skype
( i even don't have skype)


discord conversation with Monkley:




proof that politje skype-name is Monkley:




Edited by Master00j
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