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An equation for hardcore goldfarmers


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This equation tells you roughly how much money/day on average your bot was making from the time you started botting until it got banned. It's not something a goldfarmer would normally use. You can bot just fine without it, but if you like to analyze your data in excel like me, you can use it if you want.
HOWEVER, this equation does give a really good picture of just how hard the goldfarming business is. If you're just starting out, try and find a bot that you like and enter the values that you think are correct for that bot and see just how many bots you would actually need to run to make a decent profit.
A simplified version of this would be: the amount of profit you bot made till ban/the amount of time it took the bot to make that profit
- Gp per day – Amount of gp your bot makes in 1 day. 
- Botting time (days) – Amount of days you were botting on you account till ban (in case you had any temp bans or don't bot on some days).
- N – Amount of bonds used on the account till ban.
- Account costs – Skills, gear and supplies. When you get banned you usually lose your gear and supplies that you use for botting so they should be considered a fixed cost.
- Lost items – Any extra lost items besides gear/supplies that you weren't able to trasnfer to mules when you got banned.
- Bot work time – Amount of days from when you started botting till ban. This number only works if you already have a set amount of bots that you run and you can create new bots in advance before the current ones get banned. If you're just starting out or if your bots get banned faster than you can create them or if you do suicide botting you should also add the time it takes you to create an account to get a better estimate.
Also don't forget about the Proxies, servers and bot costs.
Btw, if you think I missed something feel free to share. 
Edit: corrected a few things
Edited by the_inadequacy
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3 hours ago, Final said:

Interesting, is it possible for me to utilize that in my next neural network feature of my splashing script? An Extremely insightful mathematical formula such as this should not go to waste.

This formula more or less only useful for actual goldfarming. Not sure how it would work with a splashing script. But feel free to use it :)

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