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PC MAIN Lvl 123

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Just looking for a price check for this main account It is 123 combat and has all prayers unlocked. Also has a Bandos Pet

Stats: https://gyazo.com/a98adaa3f4d92abf50f99f3f3510ded3

Quests: https://gyazo.com/c081d6a933c08ebfb77c0b120dfc5e39

Prayers: https://gyazo.com/48ef92398b0a13e33207a9569ea6e528

Combat: https://gyazo.com/b25313ccd0a49c2924ead62330b6f6b4


Void all 3 helms
Arc light
Full Gracefull
angler outfit
Mining outfit
Shayzien armor 5
Barrows Gloves
Lumberjack outfit
All 4 pouches for RC
Kq hed
Giant Champion scroll
Rune pounch
arma, sara, ancient books

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