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Lulu's NMZ Service |Absorption ONLY| |5GP/EXP|


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This service will be absorption method only, and will require a Defence level of at least 40


60-70 stats => 7GP/EXP
70-80 stats => 6GP/EXP
80-99 stats => 5GP/EXP


Will be provided by you, unless you are a lot more trusted then I can provide it, but I am allowed to decline.
We can use an MM and a deposit agreement for the gear value.


You must leave me feedback after completing an order.
I am allowed to decline any order I want.
Any bans/mutes during or after a service are not my responsibility.
You will not log in during a service, unless asked first.
If you are trusted, I will go first. If not you will go first. MM can be used at your cost.
You must change your password after the service has been completed.
By ordering you automatically agree to the T.O.S.

Skype: live:sphairai.rs




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  • Lulu changed the title to Sphairai's NMZ Service |Absorption ONLY| |5GP/EXP|
2 hours ago, sphairai said:



You must leave me feedback after completing an order.
I am allowed to decline any order I want.
Any bans/mutes during or after a service are not my responsibility.
You will not log in during a service, unless asked first.
If you are trusted, I will go first. If not you will go first. MM can be used at your cost.
You must change your password after the service has been completed.
By ordering you automatically agree to the T.O.S.





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  • Lulu changed the title to Lulu's NMZ Service |Absorption ONLY| |5GP/EXP|

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