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On 4/22/2020 at 5:32 PM, DeadVeng said:

@Cloxygen Not bad, although I noticed an issue immediately. It always tries to remine the rock it just finished while its just an empty vein. Then it will try a different rock after it doesnt mine for a few seconds. Just seems unhuman to click the same rock it mined every time before going to another.

Do you have a way to show me this? When I run it this doesn't happen. A gif recording would be really helpful.


On 4/26/2020 at 11:57 PM, ABCDEF said:

I seem to be having some issues with mining at al kharid. It mines fine but when it goes to deposit at the bank it stops moving when near the bank.

Edit: It seems i get this error when i try to mine two different kinds of ore. In my case, iron + gold.

I will check this once I have an account that can mine gold. Sometimes the walking just bugs out and I don't have control over it since its part of the API


On 5/15/2020 at 12:59 AM, PlayaStatus said:

Hey is the original scripter still updating this? Just asking because I would like to see if he can let it auto attack the damn Scorp mobs, than return to mining. Otherwise, good stuff brother. 

Hi. I'm not gonna add any new features, I barely come on here enough to keep it updated. There are some combats scripts on here though, if you train to combat level 28 the scorpions will stop attacking you. Should only take about an hour I think.


On 4/19/2020 at 3:28 PM, Bouffalante said:

Can it mine coal in mining guild and bank and come back to mining and repeat?

What should my routine be like how many minutes botting and followed by how many minutes break...and upto how many hrs bot in the day, 

It should definitely work in the all parts of the mining guild. This guide should help you figure out a schedule for botting. Good luck

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