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Some advice with NMZ.


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Okay guys, so i have bunch of mains like 

1. 40/80/40 or 40/91/40 - fight arena and some other crap quests

2. ~80/92/80 - buttnaked accs, no other stats, maybe fight arena.

What method would be best? i would consider more afk > less xp as i want to stay safe. 

Should i do mtd or demon? should i just go like absorbs and nothing else, or do rock cake / overloads / absorbs? 

Can start with 40/80/40 nmz and just go absorbs to get like 55 attack and do MM for d scim..or maybe just camp to 70att and jump to sara sword? Rock cake..? 

I would like to get 90 range on those 40/91/40 mains, but is it possible to do it with like shorbow and rune arrows in nmz? do i need other quests? can it be done with absorbs etc? 

I would prefere stay 1-11 prayer or as low as possbile instead of getting 22/43 but if that increas xp A LOT then i would level that up.


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