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Proxy & chainban


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Hi, im thinking of lvling RC on my main by having bots run essence for me.

i belive my ip is flagged (if thats a thing).

im wondering if having 3 bots run essence to me while im not botting on my main would somehow get it banned with the bots.

also should i get proxy for my bots and play without proxy on my main?


I'm "new" to botting since i stopped botting/playing rs after the bot nuke, so any tips and info would be appreciated

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Well Id say chances are very slim aslong as youre botting accounts are on a different IP as youre main account and Id advise you to not log in on the same IP as youre bots ever on your main otherwise your main will be wiped aswell so you better not have logged in on that IP with youre main but yes you can get banned but the chances are super slim almost non existent

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