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Shopping Script - DCing frequently after hopping


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Screenshot of logger - http://imgur.com/a/ib51x

Code - http://pastebin.com/GAsVZDsB


Script does what i wanted it to, but it occasionally starts dcing after a couple hops. This seriously lowers the profit per hour, so if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this, i would love to hear them. 


Thanks to anyone who takes a look, much appreciated. 


PS. I'm not running any other scripts at the same time, and it happens even when i'm not logged into my main on OSBuddy.

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Screenshot of logger - http://imgur.com/a/ib51x

Code - http://pastebin.com/GAsVZDsB


Script does what i wanted it to, but it occasionally starts dcing after a couple hops. This seriously lowers the profit per hour, so if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this, i would love to hear them. 


Thanks to anyone who takes a look, much appreciated. 


PS. I'm not running any other scripts at the same time, and it happens even when i'm not logged into my main on OSBuddy.


if you hop between worlds too often, runescape automatically logs you out when you continue hopping. if i were you, i'd try to find a way to make the time in between hops a little longer, so it wont happen as much.

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if you hop between worlds too often, runescape automatically logs you out when you continue hopping. if i were you, i'd try to find a way to make the time in between hops a little longer, so it wont happen as much.

Yeah its likely that is the issue, i do have several different methods of slowing it down in the script such as 

 int timesBought = 0;

 if(getStore().getAmount("Death rune") >= 1) { // This is part of my shop code
      getStore().buy("Death rune", 10);                      

 if(timesBought <= 8) { // This is just before hopping
 timesBought = 0;


I'll try making the sleeps much larger to see what effect it has. 


I was kinda hoping someone would have some sort of miracle method to help me circumvent this haha. I mean the script does what i want it to, so im still happy, it would just be cool to improve the efficiency.


EDIT: I've set it up so it's sleeping for 4-8 seconds if 'timesBought <= 8' (times bought is increased by one each time the script buys 10 of something, and is reset to 0 after a hop). This seems to have solved the problem more or less. 


Is there a better way to do this? Perhaps with less of a delay, but still circumventing the dcing issue? 


EDIT: Jokes problem still happening haha, less often tho with the long ass delays.

Edited by PlagueDoctor
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