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[New/Latest] Osbot premium script shop


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Hi there,


i was wondering if there's a possibility that we could get a recent or latest script category added to the script shop.
This could come in handy for people that don't keep up with the script development topics and
would also be great for script developers getting there script a bit extra of attention after final release. smile.png


PS: Would love some feedback from script users aswell as developers.


Edit: I'm retarded

source: Taylor Swift


Edited by dedrerries
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I like this as well. An issue I could see forming is that im sure this section would bring a lot of extra attention to scripts (may be a good incentive). What could happen though is people would default to this section rather than doing thier own research of other scripts in that category. Also if the time is less than one month since release date im not sure how full this category would be.



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