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Price Check on 112 CB main with 1730 TOTAL


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Stats are there and speak for them selves (look at that mining woo hoo!) All hand train a bot has never touched this account

I have all of the big and hard quests done all that is left is a few misc quests.. I don't think there is a clue I can't do that requires a quest or anything I can't equip. The remaining quests are literally just some of the misc ones. 

As I said I have never logged into a botting client or auto clicked this account, I have never scammed never really cursed so there should be no reason to ever have that ban meter move. 

Everything pictured in the bank is all of the noteable stuff, it all speaks for its self. Because I couldn't get that whole tab in there there are like 5 items not pictured but they are simply the rest of the zombie, and camo set. I have done one of every random event if not more, I have all the random event music, outfits and emotes. Also in regards to the bank I have a tab that is dedicated to items needed for any and all clue steps for hard+ clues. I haven't had a step in years I couldn't complete be cause I don't have the items nor do I have to buy an item for any clue step. 

As of right now I wan't a price check.. there is a huge possiblity I won't let it go depending on the price. If so I don't know how things are conducted here but I hail from sythe. Albeit I am sorta new to that too but not as new. I have sold over 400m gold and went first everytime. Once to a "Random" and the other 4 times were to a gold buying website. RSMalls and WhyGrind. I pretty much decided to quit actually playing rs and sold all of my gold and there is little to no reason to keep this account for it to sit and rot, I won't come back. I plan to make a gold botting farm and that is it, gotta make them gp's. If I do sell it here, I will go first if you're trusted and have vouches if not we will pay for a middle man most likely at my expense but no promises I just want to see how this goes first. 





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