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Disputed member :  rhordy


Why it should be removed : No valid reason to be given for me.


Details : He order some skills , i've given him a 1-3 due date , my worker did most of it the first day , then he had real irl issues for 2 days that he couldn't get on , after that the order was day on 5th day


Rhordy kept saying ''excuses'' , and decided to neutral fb me


My worker is : http://osbot.org/forum/user/193826-vacalao/


 Rhodry skype: http://prntscr.com/c4tytw


Chat logs http://prntscr.com/c4tx3d






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I've asked @@Rhodry to reply here and explain on his end.



I can't remove your feedback straight off the bat without listening to his side of the story. Therefore I will address the current evidence:


1) Jamez says a day or two max with a 'hopefully' which follows his estimation message, yes that doesn't mean he's exempt from the time frame but usually we'd expect in circumstances an allowance of 2 days before leaving neutral/negative feedback. As a service owner he should try and keep strict to his time frames but at the end of the day he does not have control over situations. You may say 'What if that was just a lie and his worker wasn't having a personal circumstance irl' ? Well regardless of the fact time frames are just estimations and usually they're not 'binding' as I don't see him saying he'll get it done for sure in 1-2 days.


2) I assume Jamez's worker did the full service? I've requested his worker @vacalao to confirm. 


3) Rhodry if you could provide some evidence on your end on why the feedback should stay it'd be appreciated.





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It doesn't bother me if the feedback is removed but besides the point he provided a bad service.


He quoted 1- 2 days. It has been 5 days now and still not completed so i changed the pass and decided to complete it myself as it would of taken another day, 6 days in total. I understand things happen to delay these services, but i personally think if his worker had troubles completing the service why can't he stand up to the plate and look after his business?

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It doesn't bother me if the feedback is removed but besides the point he provided a bad service.


He quoted 1- 2 days. It has been 5 days now and still not completed so i changed the pass and decided to complete it myself as it would of taken another day, 6 days in total. I understand things happen to delay these services, but i personally think if his worker had troubles completing the service why can't he stand up to the plate and look after his business?


Im not here to defend anyone but some people make mistakes from time to time I guess.


Seeing as your ok with his feedback removal, i've removed it. :)


Hopefully there are no ill-feelings between you two and a recommendation would be in the future to use someone else I guess :)


Thanks for being considerate and keeping this Feedback dispute short and friendly!




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