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VMWare Workstation Pro


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Hi guys,
I had a subscription to VMWare Workstation Pro and I just set up a Virtual Machine for Windows 7 and Ubuntu 14.4. What I'm here asking today is about the  jagex cache file. VMWare creates a virtual machine on my computer and I can use the Windows 7 virtual machine through my windows 10 (host). I was wanting to know this because I was wondering if it would create a new cache file so I can run multiple bots for my windows 10 (host) then 7, then ubuntu. So 3 bots all seperated on a new cache file. My question is does it really create a new cache file or does it still use part of the cache file? My virtual machine is stored on my windows 10 because it was in the \users\VirtualMachine. I hope I gave you enough info to get an answer. Thanks guys!

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Do you know if it creates seperate cache files for each machine? I had three bots going, and the loading please wait screen kept popping up in new areas for the first time. Idk if tthere is more than 1 file jagex uses or what
Or if any1 knows the location the cache files are saved that would help tremendously.

Edited by Kitten Krazy
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My only concern is if I run 1 bot, it lasts for me to get about 75 wc then the ban. I ran 3 last night, fresh accounts, and two were banned before log in. So that gave me the feeling that it wasn't creating new caches and they banned me.

Or you're IP is flagged & botting on f2p. Either way, buy proxies. :doge: I hear Xylate has a good stock at affordable prices.

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