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Optimum Cross Profile Scripts [Development]

Optimum Scripts

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Hi lads and welcome to my thread. Enjoy your read :P



What is Cross Profile Scripts?

  • The name is a small indication on what cross profile scripts are. This is a user’s profile that they will create or procedural generating using a name. This profile will be accessed from all my Optimum scripts and they will all play a different roll in random patters that aren't actually all that random. You see, humans are all different but we are all the same; contradictory, but hear me out: Everyone does different patters but similarly to most people, people turn their cameras certain ways but mostly in that way, talk differently but use the same language style, etc. So to finish this question: A cross profile file is a user’s set profile to act the same way every time (random but the same behaviours.

Why Cross Profile Scripts?

  • The ability to look different is better for anti-ban, the user can set everything their profile does. This will make it look like it's an actual player and not an ordinary bot. This means that every bot will have their uniqueness and random patters which will give Jagex a harder time to detect. I am looking for a new way to do scripts in general and a better antiban altogether.












saving and loading:

this isn't the full class file, this is development, but i will be handling a lot of stuff here

      "description":"This guy is alright",
Edited by Optimum Scripts
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