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  1. I currently am running ***** for a couple old accounts; I like x and y scripts on there. The options are very limited and I find myself wanting more. I'm interested in running private scripts to have more of a variety. I'm using an older laptop so I'm trying to keep things small. Mainly just to keep bond money and train combat skills for pk builds. I'm unsure what 3rd party overlay to go with to run the private scripts or where to begin.
  2. Hey everyone, Im new here and i have recently decided i want to start a small bot farm on p2p. My goal is to have a farm of 10 f2p to practice then move to p2p once im more confident. (method undecided) Ive done some research on the whole process and mostly understand but still have a ways to go. Before i get started buying accs/programs/VIP/server to run etc i wanted to ask a question that i couldn't find a solid answer to. Is it safe to play my main OSRS account in the same house/IP and or computer? is there something other then IP that jagex can use to link accounts together? The goal i guess is to be able to play legit while botting on a different computer with zero risk of my account being associated. I havent decided on wether or not im going to use an 1:1 or 1:2 proxy but since all the bot accounts will have different IPs then my main, is there any risk of the accounts being linked back to my main? Keep in mind i I intended to keep my main completely separate from all botting activity as much as possible, no trading or muling ofc. I do have 2 laptops and one desktop PC so i can dedicate one laptop to botting if need be. but would it matter? If anybody could clear this up for me it would be greatly appreciated, its really the only thing holding me back from starting this journey xD
  3. I am learning how to script and have started with a mining script. I have some previous programming knowledge but I'm learning the api. The bot walks to the mining spot then banks when he is done and walks back. When he is getting attacked by a mugger he just keeps trying to mine. It shows in the logs when I am under attack. Not sure how to make him run. (I would appreciate any tips on how to make my code more efficient as I know it's pretty messy) LINK TO CODE: https://pastebin.com/1imvcf7D
  4. Hi all, Just a couple of things I’d like to clear up, so I used to play in 06 and still got my accounts and some recovered back. I’m getting back into OSRS because of the memories and fun, obviously I am botting because the grind is unreal but I want 99s. in currently botting 3 account potentially 4 on 4 different proxies using stealth injection. im looking for advice on how long to bot for, like for example can I just leave my laptop running for a week and have 3 bots running at once with scheduled 2-3 hours on then 4 hour breaks then repeat? Also my main account which I recovered I’m very anxious on botting on it but determined to get at least one 99 on osrs, If I run a different proxy IP with stealth injection and babysit (typing and conversations while bot clicks herblore pots for me) botting for 3 hours a day roughly, is that still a high chance of getting it perm banned again? and for when doing quests and not botting should I switch between my osbot client and legit client or constantly use the osbot client even when legit playing? thanks!
  5. I am able to write scripts on my PC, so far I've only made relatively basic ones that work well for cutting down willows. My issue is that when I write a script on my laptop, OSBot never recognizes the exported JAR files. I thought it may have been a problem with OSBot\Scripts directory, but I tested it by taking a JAR script that I made on my PC and putting it into my laptop's OSBot\Scripts directory and it appears and works perfectly fine. I followed that up by moving the whole project from my PC to my laptop, figuring the other scripts I was writing had issues that made them unusable. When I export the script from Eclipse on my laptop, it does not appear when I try to run a script in OSBot even though it's the exact same code as was present when I tested it earlier. I'm not even sure what images or snippets I should include, I thought maybe it was a problem with importing external JARs but I think I tried every solution to that. Could it have anything to do with the fact that my OSBot client doesn't recognize my version of java and therefore requires that I use a batch file to point to the version of java I want to use? It's the only thing I can think of, but I've tried downloading the OSBot jar several times and every time it finds java 14 (I do not have java 14) and I then have to point it in the right direction in order for it to run.
  6. how do you delete ur attachments i need to free up some space
  7. im just starting out making accounts and im wanting to do them on a proxy so my main ip adress doesnt have all these accounts attached to it, but i brought a proxy today and as soon as i got off tut island it got locked for maybe being stolen ?. Does this mean this proxy is flagged or i messed up somewhere. I use proxifier to connet to my proxies.
  8. When i start up a script through cli it works no problems but when i try to open another one (using a diffrent proxy) it says this Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510) JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [debugInit.c:750] Bot exited with code : 2 is there a way to bypass this or is it just the way it is with osbot? Thanks in advandce,
  9. im looking to buy a small handful of zammy wine accounts. 33-40 mage, 20hp, 10 deff. what would be a fair price for them? im new to buying accounts and dont want to over pay
  10. entered in wrong password when trying to login to osbot. Locked out after too many failed attempts and have waited 3 hours, still locked? Username: osbotloggin Resolved. Thank you!
  11. I've defined my player's display name in a String variable (changed actual player's name for this example): String MULE_NAME = "displayname"; And a method that checks their name: public void getJob() { if (getPlayers().myPlayer().getName() == MULE_NAME) { CURRENT_JOB = "Mule"; } else { CURRENT_JOB = "Other job"; } } It ALWAYS returns as "Other job". I've double checked that I've entered the right display name into MULE_NAME and even had the log output the variable and my player's name every loop. They match in the log yet apparently are not the same. What gives?
  12. How can I import the osbot jar file as a library into vscode?
  13. Hey guys, just need help. Currently working on a script learning pretty well. Started trying to make my own scripts a few days ago and I'm currently stuck. I'm trying to get the amount of gold in my inventory and set it to a name and use that value later in the script but it keeps saying error. Item originalGold = getInventory().getAmount("Coins"); //SCRIPT GATHERING HOW MUCH GOLD IS IN INVENTORY I have this on start. It keeps saying that I'm missing required API but it's already imported on top with color so I know it imported. P.S. I'm setting it up like in the OSBOT tutorial videos by chris. Using his NPC example but this time for gold. Sorry if I sound stupid it's because I am.
  14. Hello im Daniel i recently bought a few scripts called APA Sand Crabs, which works for a few mins than stops working and i tried using the free ones called Juggles fighter, pito fighter works for a few mins than stops attacking for some reason i dont know if i set it up wrong and i also just bought Perfect fighter which doesnt let me click start on the script at all someone please help me get these working! for at least a few hours.
  15. Hey guys, I've been botting for some time now and finally decided to learn how to write my own. My problem is OSbot doesn't appear as a folder that I can export to, let alone exporting to the scripts folder. The guide I'm following is linked and the specific step I'm stuck on is compiling the script. -Thanks!
  16. Hey Guys! So i am making a maxed 75 attack pure. When I started the account, I didn't think I was going to be doing anything with it other than d bow rushing, so from 1-70 range I cannoned it without getting hp experience. I think I screwed myself. Now that the account is being trained, I always feel like I am missing out on that 200k hp exp I could have had..... And now I'm grinding for a maxed pure account with the goal of having an untrimmed hp cape... So my only options are PC and Organized Crime for the remaining hp exp. Will I be able to make the account without doing PC or organized crime? Assuming starting stats at this point are followed: 60att 90str 1def 43prayer 90range 90magic 88hp Mith Gloves done and DT done How far off am I?..... and what my best option? Thanks!
  17. i had downloaded the bot onto my pc but when I open it it tells me to track it then it just wont load or open after that? I have no idea what to do at this point.. I just want to make a new acc to see how long or even if so I get banned so I can make a mule farm for my main
  18. I'm in need of some help with creating an account that I am able to complete the barrows minigame. Would somebody be able to hit me up with a source that explains or some info as I am unable to find any? Can only include F2P Quests before buying a bond. Thank you, Pure
  19. I'm trying to make a script that changes the attack style by reaching a specific level of one skill so that it starts up another one. Example: I'm going up Defense at level 30 when I reach level 30 I want it to change automatically because of the attack style to climb Attack In the OSBot Logger the Message appears: [INFO] [Bot # 1] [03/23 11:29:31 PM]: Defense is 30, attempting to switch attack styles but does not change the style Here my code:
  20. I want to add in my script the option that when you reach a specific level in "Attack, force or defense" change the attack form to start uploading another melee skill Ex: reach level 30 of attack and I want to change to the mode of "Block" so that it raises defense and later that it changes to "Stab" to raise force when it reaches certain levels. Can you help me with that? if (getSkills().getStatic(Skill.DEFENCE) < 30) { } else if (getSkills().getStatic(Skill.DEFENCE) >=30) { log ("Defence level es 30."); this.stop (false); } I have this code but the only thing it can do is when it reaches level 30 of Defense it stops and I want it to change from Defense to Attack or Force ... to keep reaching melee levels. Please help guys!
  21. Hey guys anyone knows a good site that allows you to get price data using itemid i tried osbuddy api seems to be down 24/7 tho so kinda useless thanks!
  22. Hello fellow scripters! The bot log off but the client won't close so the handler(or something forgot the name) keeps logging the bot back in... This is what I'm doing: I tried without the .stop(true) but no effect. I remember that System.exit(0) worked yesterday but it stops..? Any help would be really appreciated! ty
  23. So main got banned.. What now?! Whats my next step sigh :'( LOL If i were to bot again I need vip for proxy? IM ACCEPTING any type of advice !
  24. If this is in the wrong section I apologise; I just need aid loading OSBot - also if I have missed a useful thread feel free to head me in that direction I recently installed osbot.jar and the newest java but when I open OSBot nothing happens I have even opened with c:/programfilesx86/Java/jre1.8.0_151/bin/Javaw but nothing seems to work. I have even tried reinstalling both, please help
  25. Hi All, So im working on a combat script, the script is finding the intended enemy no problem however... In this case the enemy is unreachable due to the closed gate (red arrow). My bot will stand here clicking "attack" over and over. Any suggestions?
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