PM me or add my Skype after posting your order form!
*I am not currently hiring*
*Please contact a worker (see below) who offers your type of service and get in contact with them and/or fill out an order form and wait for a worker to contact you. Service prices aren't set in stone since different people may charge different prices.
PM me!
Terms of Service:
You must give me, @RoomScape, the money prior to the employee starting any service unless stated otherwise by myself.1
Once the service has been paid for/begun, you must not change the the account password.2
We are not responsible for any bans/mutes/rollbacks for services.3
You must remove all wealth, aside any required for services, from your account.4
You must have met all requirements for the requested service prior to paying.
Once the service has been started, you mustn't log in to the account. Service can be terminated without refund if you log in during a service. 5
It is your responsibility to change your account password before and after each service. Neither I nor my employees will be responsible for anything that happens after a service has been completed.
A bank pin may not always be required, but when it is, you will have to supply the bank pin or remove it
I am not responsible if you talk to anyone other than myself on skype - My only skype is: (live:roomscape)
1 I am a VMM and will MM each transaction to ensure that you don't get scammed.
2 If, for whatever reason, the password has been changed, your order will be put on halt. You will have 24 hours to change the password back. Failure to comply will result in your order being terminated and your payment non refunded.
3 You will be partially refunded if banned with botting services and fully refunded with non botting services.
4 If you don't have another account to transfer to, I can either hold it or we can confirm what's left on your account in case it disappears.
5 You may log in to the account if you give notice to the employee and the employee allows it.
Order Form:
Did you read and do you agree to the TOS:
What is your skype name:
What service do you want done:
Do you prefer someone specific (if yes, who):
Did you add @RoomScape's Skype or PM him: