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  1. Gold in 5's Season 2 Silver in Soloq Season 1 and 2 Platinum IV Currently in Season 3 Silver in 3s seson 2 105 Champs, only missing Aatrox, Galio, Malzahar, Nami, Thresh, Xerath, Wukong, Volibear, Ziggs. 5 Rune pages with: Marks: 9 Dmg marks, 9 Attk speed marks, 9 crit change marks, 9 hyrbrid pen marks, 9 magic pen marks. Seals: 9 armor seals, 9 magic resist seals, 9 mana regen seals. Glyphs: 1 Armor Glyph, 9 ap/lvl Glyphs, 9 mr/lvl glpyhs. Quints: 3 AP Quints, 3 Dmg Quints, 3 Attk speed Quints, 3 Lifesteal Quints, 3 Movement speed Quints. Only like 1k ip, 300 rp on the account nothing special. 51 Skins: FireFox Ahri Crimson Akali Golden and Unchained Alistar Pharaoh Amumu Bird of Prey Anivia Red Riding Annie Sherwood forest Ashe Office Caitlyn Mythic Cassiopeia Loch Ness Cho'Gath Urf Rider Corki Mr. Mundoverse Galdiator Draven Masquerade Evelynn Frosted Ezreal Fisherman Fizz Victorious Janna Warring Kingdoms Jarvan Nemesis Jax Phantom Karthus Harbinger Kassadin Slay Belle Katarina, Sand Storm Katarina Mecha Khazix Muay Thai Lee sin Dragon Trainer Lulu Shamrock Malphite Haunted Maokai Headhunter Yi Mafia Miss Fortune Sub Terrain Nautilus French Maid nidalee, Leopard Nidalee Ravager Nocturne, Eternum Nocturne (legendary) Noxus Poppy Professor Ryze Surgeon Shen Augmented Singed Pax Sivir (PAX) Tyrant Swain Emerald Taric Easter Bunny Teemo Tango Twisted Fate Kingpin Twitch Battlecast Urgot Arclight Varus Dragon Slayer Vayne Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao Wildfire Zyra Surprise Part Fiddlesticks Gangster Twitch Full Metal Jayce, Debonair Jayce Aether Wing Kayle Vindicator Vayne Lion Dance Kogmaw Dark Crystal Ryze Prestigious Leblanc Ghost Bride Morgana Steel Legion Lux Dark Valkyrie Diana Soul Reaver Draven Dragonwing Corki Uncle Ryze Statue of Karthus Minuteman Gangplank Headhunter Rengar Death Blossom Elise Galactic Nasus Veigar Greybeard Shockblade Zed Spirit Guard Udyr Grungy Nunu Blood Lord Vladimir Gothic Oriana Big Bad Warwick Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate Gragas, Esq. Heartseeker Vayne Djinn Malazahar Add me on skype, My skype is: powerlevelingto30 I accept 07 runescape gold, RP to boost more accounts, and if needed and paypal payment
  2. Gold is 141$ from silver 5 to gold 5. So no you couldn't but thanks for your input plus to powerlevel an account I charge 30$ and that's well worth it for a week of work, i'm sure you make more than 30$ at a normal job for a week, I sure do
  3. It has 110 champions, 106 skins, and 20 rune pages add me on skype, my username is: powerlevelingto30
  4. So if I wanted to duo with you from silver 4 to gold 5 for the october 31st thing how much would that be?
  5. Sorry, I don't check forums that often, I usually check my skype more often, Umm, Well I was looking for 45-50$ either paypal or 45-50$ in rp
  6. It has slay belle kat and no it has pulsfire ez but damn none of those that you just said, Sorry
  7. it's only missing 5 champions too and hold on i'm checking everything because i forget
  8. It has a lot of skins, It has all of the Christmas skins and all of the limited availability skins
  9. If you wanna buy this account, I will accept money on paypal or RP add me on skype, powerlevelingto30 is my skype
  10. I will accept RP for my other account or paypal cash, add me on skype, My username is powerlevelingto30 Also if anyone wants me to power level an account for them and you have rp for boosts, I will boost the account for RP or Money on Paypal
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