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Posts posted by Adept

  1. 3 hours ago, Rxdking said:

    Jerusalem 13's


    nice jesus kicks homie. when u gotta carry the cross at 8 and screw some bitches at 9

    3 hours ago, Muffins said:

    those mid tops are pretty fresh not gonna lie.. but assuming you chose your best pairs they're nothing out of this world
    these pumas are edgy af bro cmn

  2. 1 minute ago, Multi Clanning said:

    Idk about the sneakers, to me they look like someone's wearing sandals with green socks :boge:

    might be why I like them so much
    been rocking this style since I can remember :kappa:

    • Like 1
  3. Welcome. I only actively use OSbot so I can't really compare it with other clients but based on what I've read on different forums, if not better, our client is at least on par with other injection/mirror bots. Regarding changes, ban rates are still fairly steep if you don't know what you're doing. Private scripts have become a must with a few exceptions.

    Good luck.

  4. Does the script/new update support CLI? All I need is the ability to launch progressive leveling and stopping at a certain level via CLI.

  5. Previously, low CPU mode provided the right balance between performance and resource consumption. Rn, it lags like crazy and doesn't use less resources than before either... not sure what happened..
    The client might be needing more resources due to the world map update.. :/

  6. 2 minutes ago, IDontEvenBot said:

    Dont specifically look for people who might be extraordinarily talented because those people will typically be working for a huge company getting ridiculous amounts of money but have no say when it comes to what the company does, or they work privately in consulting. The people who are good contacts are just normal people, they can let you know if their company is looking for people to hire or one of their parents might own or be on the board of a company who is looking for people. There are many situations where just being friends with people can help you out, so don't think of it as finding contacts but think of it as just meeting people with the same goals as yourself.

    Thanks for your input. Prior to this reply I failed to realise that by making connections it's not just me learning about new people, it's also other people learning about me and realising that I can be an asset to them.

    • Like 1
  7. 50 minutes ago, Zapako said:

    I am in university, and was in the exact same spot you're in. I began learning myself when I was in 8th grade. By the end of high school, I was pretty good compared to other people my age. A lot of my skill was based on actual software development in languages - implementation, not theory. I went into university expecting the classes to be a breeze.

    But it wasn't as easy as I originally thought, because after CS 101, the classes delve more into theory (DS 1, DS2), and then into some heavy math (Linear Algebra, Calc I and II). Computer Science's roots are in Math. I originally hated it - I was programming all this while without needing to know this stuff - why should I be bothered learning it now?

    I was like that for a long time, frustrated by the system. I took a semester off. During that break, I took a course on Coursera about machine learning online. While it didn't have any prerequisites, they taught the math as it was needed. I was surprised as to how much linear algebra and even calculus was used in a subject that had always interested me, but I had no experience to start.

    That was the turning point for me, when I realized that the theory is as important as the implementation. For me, no amount of other people telling me that theory was important worked - I was foolish and naive that way, I suppose.

    Now I am a software engineer consultant who writes high-performance networking code, and having an understanding of the theory allows me to solve the same problems I already was able to solve, but in a far more effecient manner (performance-wise). My job mandates it: (Routing is typically done on ASIC chips for the extra speed, so implementing it in software requires some very performant code)

    I wish you best of luck in your endeavors!

    I appreciate all the replies but yours in particular. Thank you for sharing your experience. You depicted my situation perfectly. I wish they didn't bloat the curriculum with stuff alongside the necessary math and algo stuff but I have no option but to deal with it. I consider your words to be far more valid than any of my peers because you've been in similar circumstances. Your reply has helped me tremendously, thanks again.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, IDontEvenBot said:

    If you have to opportunity to do co-op/work placement in a comp sci related job I'd highly recommend it. It offers you valuable work experience to determine if you want to work at a software development company or if you wish to start your own company and go solo. Also as mentioned above the connections you make at university are more important than the actual degree in fields like business and comp sci (less in computer science than business but it still matters somewhat).

    I have yet to find someone who is a useful contact tbh.. some great friends but not too many extraordinarily talented people :/

  9. 15 minutes ago, danielsoko said:

    I finished Uni and it did not change my life in anyway.. because im starting a business that has nothing to do with what I studied. but.... I am happy I finished Uni because no one has the right to call me a stupid high school drop out or anything similar to that   

    Would love to follow your journey and support you along the way. Consider making a journey thread somewhere, please.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Carti said:

    Do what makes you happy. Seems like you don't enjoy developing at all. you could do a good/fun job and learn software development as a hobby with online cursuses etc

    I love developing. It gives me a sense of satisfaction like nothing else in this world. It's what I learn at school that I don't enjoy and it consumes precious time that I could be using to learn other stuff.

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