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OS Jay

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  1. start fresh on a new account and bot that .. don't ever do no type of botting on accounts with 2 day ban
  2. wouldnt bot planks because ur first ban will be a perm because thats gold farming
  3. you should take your name out the screenshot
  4. if its been 2 days i'd say u survived
  5. lol are u new thats not a 1 year ban i wonder how many people actually thought like this guy and made a new account and stopped playing their old 1 because they thought they were banned for a year
  6. go talk to dwarf and get new 1 for free
  7. good luck will this acc be legit or botted?
  8. same i botted my near maxed pure on rs3 on 07 got perm no warning first offence
  9. ive used the random autoclicker on a few accs to get 94 mage and aswell as a few of my friends no bans just do it at pest control in a crowded world u should have no problems and every now again move your mouse and stuff and dont suicide
  10. dont bot if you dont want to lose the account u will prob get a perm
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