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  1. @FrostBug Usefulness depends on whether the spawn of Mark of grace is decided when you enter the course or when you finish the course... I was thinking Seers course + hard Kandarin diaries (tele just right outside bank) = enter course -> is there a mark ? pick it up : tele out .... exchange for amylase, sell amylase but it it's not possible, then the whole idea falls too bad
  2. Hey guys, so I was wondering if it's possible to check if there is Mark of Grace anywhere on the roof of the agility course. So far I was just able to come up with a code that will tell me if there is a mark on a roof with same z-coord as my character - which isn't very helpful as I can see it myself too. But is there a way to check the whole course, including roofs with different z-coords?
  3. The real challenge: dont get killed by the seller/buyer upon meeting each other
  4. It's somewhat similar in my country. Or at least it's heading that way... They make fucking dozen of children just to get more welfare, they do not raise them properly, give a bad example and the kids grow up to be just the same fucking garbage. They don't work, they don't go to school, they just stand around whole fucking day doing nothing, waiting for the day the welfare comes. And the best part is that they fucking DEMAND new apartments when they absolutely destroy their own, make so much mess and live like hobos. The best part? THEY FUCKING GET IT! For free. And do you wanna know why? ....... And nobody really can do anything because, as OP said, they would be accused of fucking racism. The fucking differece is that I don't mind their skin colour. I fucking mind when they rob, do nothing all day and live from my fucking taxes. It could be white people aswell and I would hate them just the same. But the reality is that most of them are gypsies. Bam, think whatever you want. That's just how it is in my country. EDIT: After reading my post I felt like I had to add that not everyone is the same - of course. There are some rare cases when the children get from that kind of surroundings and get an education and live a peaceful life like we all do and want. For them I have a huge respect because it had to be so fucking hard to achieve something being born in such conditions. And I have nothing against those people. Why should I? Did they do something to me? No! So I have no reason to hate them. But the rest I talked above give me many fucking reasons to hate them.
  5. Indeed, all of it might be true, I hope we will get to see if you were right or not. But then again I see more positive things than negative. And in the end it really can't be more useless/repetitive than firemaking, can it?
  6. 1) you'll be able to hire out workers to build you a fleet out of resources you provide them with So it won't be just sensless building, scraping and repeat thing I hope. 2) Each time you take your ship out you should have no idea what may come your way. With randomly generated seas and an unthinkable number of possible challenges that could be thrown at you So there might be guides and I'm sure there will, but there won't be a set of preset paths/routes, it should be randomly generated. That's why I said at the beginning of my post to read quick through the blog at least once, so you get some confusion sorted out. I think many people act just like that... They see the word Sailing = they hate it = they vote no. All I want is for people to read it and give it a chance. But again, if you hate the game there's not much that can excite you. At least please don't vote no. If you don't play it yourself vote yes for the people who play it
  7. Indeed, the fact that you can bring items back with you is great and a major differece to dungeoneering. I just hope they will name some sea Carribean or something like that so we could be freaking pirates of the caribbean True dat, I'm looking forward to what they will come up with (with the help of players). I'm really looking forward to new methods/places to gather present resources aswell.
  8. I think they went for sailing because it's a great way to come up with tons of new content. So instead of adding new monster/NPC/story/quest into the existing continent and finding and thinking about a way how to incorporate and introduce it, so it works with other stuff already in place they can just link everything to the main land by sailing.
  9. Finally some thoughtful comment. I see it very similarly. Many people fear new content, or just dont want anything new at all. But who would play the same game as when it was released? To be honest I stopped playing RS3 not because of content, but because of those graphic updates. But all I see in OSRS are quality of life updates while perserving old school graphics. A Friend - one of few OSRS players I have subscribed to has a point in his last video - many people just have so much yet to achieve that they dont want anything new. But they dont think about the people who already achieved almost everything, or even themselves when they achieve everything but the poll may not come for years or at all.
  10. They did not specify it, so I suppose it will be member only skill. But on the other hand they mentioned it as a mean of getting to the new content... So either both of these things will be f2p or both will be p2p. We will have to see. But it really isn't that important to me tbh. I fear the same thing, but I just hope enough people will vote yes for this. Yeah, we all have THAT in mind when we hear word Sailing. But I doubt it's going to be anything like that! Based on how they described it, it's going to be lot more than just 1) click boat 2) yay, you're there!
  11. Link to developer blog, I suggest you read through it first: LINK Soo what so you guys think about their plans for future? I have to say I'm super excited to see a whole new skill AND a whole new fkn continent ! That's shitloads of new content to explore - just like in the old days exploring RS for the first time. Do you look forward to it or do you dislike their plans? And please also state your reason why, I'm curious. I just hope this passes the poll when the time comes.
  12. Indeed, it's great way to test how community handles addons. We will never know what (if any) contract Jagex and OSBuddy has. I think they must have some, because Jagex practically allowed OSBuddy to be used by not disallowing it. Even though they have to gather information from the client somewhat similar to botting clients (not sure), only they just display this info.
  13. It's hard to tell who is in the right here. OSBuddy team who provide addons on Jagexs game (no game = no addons = no business) or Jagex implementing some of OSBuddys ideas Most of all I think they all profit in the end... Maybe Jagex want to bring more free to play players to play on official client so they can advertise (I don't really know if ads still appear for f2p players) This is simmilar to what I said. You say Jagex copy from RSPS... Think about it for a sec. Without Jagex, there would be no RSPS. So private servers copy in the first place.
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