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Everything posted by Turnii

  1. Czar you can't just like my comment & not respond
  2. Does this bot support knives for range training?
  3. Love the script m8! Do you think you could implement a way for the bot to equip at least a weapon? Deathwalk is awesome, but it would be pretty cool if after dying the bot would equip your weapon again. I've seen other scripts use this capability & I just thought I'd throw it out there!
  4. Czar when you think you'll have that update running? Mind getting in a private chat with me?
  5. Turnii

    Using A Proxy

    I know it says proxys aren't supported, but I'm assuming that means that the bot doesn't give you a proxy, correct? Because I've seen other bots that have proxies already built in. Just curious because I plan on buying proxies for myself & to my knowledge this would help reduce bans if I were to keep switching my IPs between the proxys I have. If I'm wrong or can get more insight I'd appreciate it. I know there are people here that probably know a lot more about A.) What proxies do & B.) How Jagex detects bots & decides who to ban. (But from what I've read online, having a "flagged" IP is basically how they find you, not based on your actual account)
  6. Such a beast script.
  7. And for anyone wondering about break timers - I used 120/30/30/15 Honestly running the bot for a long time with the same break pattern can be a bad idea. I'm not sure how Jag tracks bots, but IMO having similar login tendencies is one that could stick out to them. But I could be wrong. I'll probably do 120/30/30/15 for about 10-12 hours during the day, maybe take a break to actually play. Then at night I'd probably do something more along the lines of 60/15/45/15 & turn the bot off before I go to sleep (Im also a really paranoid person so I take more safety precautions than probably needed)
  8. Czar I sent you a message, mind responding I have a few questions
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