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Trade With Caution
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About Debot

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  • Location:
    The Netherlands
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Mithril Poster

Mithril Poster (6/10)



  1. But if you wanna rape with barrage/blitz and ags its decent i guess
  2. Yo man, as i told you what you want of me is very time consuming. In the weekends i work a lot and in week times i have internship 9-6, you've asked me to find all the info about an old botfarm account. And i've to search for old print screens and old emails for you, in my spare time that i barely got. i'd appreciate it, if you dont make any conceptions based on me not being online on a saterday and sunday. as everything i'm trying to do is for you.
  3. Nice to know, but how does one get this? and how does one use this?
  4. I love your avatar :E

  5. Debot


    why did they give it to you in the first place?
  6. i got a dutch college email address ;( that wont work i gues
  7. It looks like wise old man, Promises on his thread that he wont be botting, that seems like a trade agreement to me.
  8. But its still there, you can never ever get a 2 day ban again. Even if its expired the next ban is always a perm
  9. It says expired, but it will still give you a perm ban next time. A ban never expires.
  10. ur anus must be huge, since jagex raped u so hard.
  11. a girl aint 24/7 with you. My hand is.
  12. why torture ur self. Let it go
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