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beastin you

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Everything posted by beastin you

  1. thats not the problem... reread my message again
  2. i put membership on the account as soon as i made it.. i bot for 2 hours tops at vwest clay.. banned that night... i log on and it disconnected me and said my account has been disabled etc.
  3. telling me i dont have any common sense? gtfoh.. lmfaoooooooooooooo i never said anything about botting 22/24 hours a day, are you high right now? i never even expected that many hours...but damn... im saying 5-8 talking that shizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiit
  4. well i used the same scripts i did from months ago.. does that have anything to do with it? do i need to download new a different scripts? i put membership on my level 17 that day i made it and got banned for 2 days that night for mining some clay... lmfaooooooo like forreal?
  5. ive played at my moms where i used to live... i got like 3 noob accounts including my pretty much maxed pure banned.... got 4 accounts total banned within a week and a half so i gave up, quit for a few months... i move into my girls house which is a completely different IP.... i bott on a level 17 an account i just made like 5 days prior from now and got banned 2 days.... i know im lucky that i got banned for 2 days but still...forreal??? i just started up.... can anybody please help me out and prevent this from not happening again because i would really like to bot again without knowing ill get caught.. i know theres always a slight chance of getting caught but i want it to be at that limit so i can rebuild and get back up on my feet... im a really busy person, i got a job and a kid so i dont have time to play for nonstop hours...can somebody please help me by replying with links or stuff i can download to prevent me from getting banned... and please nobody try to paste virus links either because im not dumb. please help me someone! thank you OS bot!
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