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  1. I got instabanned today. Not sure if they could detect the bot or what, but I logged in, went to hop worlds, and was already disabled. Just thought i'd post as a heads up. I'd been botting 3-6 hrs a day for the past 3-4 days. Using Kcutter by Alex at maples in seers.
  2. Its not even about the money. Its about respect . Once I get proof theyre connected to NR Ill ask that this be closed. If it hasnt already I probably wont find that here though since I cant post their info. edit... ah w/e, in hindsight this is all pretty childish and not worth fussing over. Ive asked this be deleted.
  3. Either theyre really unprofessional and immature, or it was two people claiming to be affiliated with NR. Im hoping for the latter.
  4. (MODS: If this must be deleted, please link me to a rule that I have broken.) Dont bother working for "Near Reality" private server. They had me make them a background for their login screen...They gave me no guidance yet rejected everything I sent them. Then had me recreate an old background of theirs, and once I had- they got it for half price from their "irl but not really" friend. Then kicked me from the convo and blocked me on skype. Just really immature. Awful experience, dont waste your time working for them. I now realize he was banned some time ago on sythe (proof available upon request). - SKYPES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST TO SUIT FORUM RULES And his OSbot account has 11k views but 6 posts. Call me paranoid but that seems fishy to me. I really just want to know if they actually have ties to NR or were trying to set up some kind of phish. If you've had any strange interactions with people claiming to be from NR please post.
  5. Ive got several things on the go but ill add you as soon as im free Hope it isnt too late.
  6. Planker2

    SOTW 16 Voting

    Are we all just going to pretend like hitler isnt taking a poop? Not saying its not the best story every told, just sayin'. #1 is #1. :P
  7. Looks good! I cant wait to see more I might add you on skype to discuss gfx if its ok with you I too make graphics.
  8. Love your signature. Super clean Looks like I could just pick it up off my screen.
  9. lol'd I know what you mean, theyre fairly low resolution to make the file size small enough to animate. Im capable of doing 3D w/ effects and such I just never have fun making them. I should add one or two examples really. Hope you saw the thread layouts within the spoiler. Bump - available for projects!
  10. Anytime man, just PM or post and ill get back to you ASAP. Available for projects.
  11. I really like the Simple and Exotiq ones Good luck with your shop!
  12. Signatures: Avatars Thread Layouts ...or Visit my Behance page for more! (CLICK HERE!)
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