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Trade With Caution
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  1. Gonna take a month or 2 just to get used to handling that many bots.
  2. But I want you to love to hate me and love to hate me. Pls.
  3. Im paying for a private script not for a snazzy GUI or paint.
  4. Throw the chickpeas in a large bowl and mash those little motherfuckers up until a bunch of them break apart. Use a fork, a potato masher, your fists, whatever you got. Some beans can be left whole, don’t fucking stress about it.
  5. Takes up too much CPU and is a public script.
  6. UPDATE! However I have run out of funds so I need to buy some more GP before I can carry this shit on
  7. [7:36:24 PM] FearJan: can u be my mentor pls [7:36:33 PM] Freak 125+ FB: In what? [7:38:00 PM] FearJan: gold farming [7:38:02 PM] FearJan: you're my hero [7:38:22 PM] Freak 125+ FB: Rofl, I have a lot on my hands man [7:38:47 PM] FearJan: please? [7:38:51 PM] FearJan: the only reason I live [7:38:53 PM] FearJan: is because I can bot [7:38:56 PM] FearJan: botting is my life [7:39:03 PM] Freak 125+ FB: Right... [7:39:29 PM] FearJan: How did you do it? [7:39:48 PM] Freak 125+ FB: Do what? [7:40:36 PM] FearJan: become such a good botter [7:40:58 PM] Freak 125+ FB: It doesnt take skill haha [7:41:26 PM] FearJan: how many are u running right now [7:41:50 PM] Freak 125+ FB: only 4 atm, I need about 200m for supplies [7:42:58 PM] FearJan: oh [7:43:00 PM] FearJan: you need supplies? [7:43:08 PM] Freak 125+ FB: Yeah haha [7:43:20 PM] FearJan: what do you need? [7:43:25 PM] FearJan: I'll get them for u master [7:43:51 PM] Freak 125+ FB: I need like 200m's worth which is like $500 :P
  8. I currently dont have a real life job and am doing this for some side cash.
  9. Actually I get constant updates, just because you didnt develop it doesnt mean its shit, and bonds are around $2.40 for me, soon will be making 160m/day with just 20 accounts, then will slowly expand to 40m/h making aprox 800m/day. I just need to get some start up funds from gold sellers who are not gold resellers.
  10. I have tested the client with a simple woodcutting script with no anti ban on 4 accounts on the same IP for a straight 24 hours with no bans, I wasn't able to test the current script before I purchased it because it comes separate to the client and therefore is just a jar file. I am currently running 3 accounts with very low stats (less than a day to get requirements) and have been running for 6 hours currentlt at around 320k/h however I hope to improve that with greater levels.
  11. You look different without VIP.

    1. Freak


      I know I suck :(

    2. RoomScape


      Yeah man, wtf is this.

      I'd say go yellow, but you'd look weird too!

  12. I bought a server of which im renting for $200/month
  13. No haha, the script was $75 but that included the source code aswell, the client cost me $275 but is private to me and is alot safer than public bots. I hope to make around 400k/h per account on 07 with very low stats.
  14. No p2p but wanting to keep my methods private. I have bought a private bot and script costing about $350 total
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