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    Java Programmer, Computer Science Major.

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  1. I'm interested, though I can only do paypal. I was reading to where you are able to request my paypal info, I'll message you at 10:55 since they seem to have a restriction placed in with creating pm's.
  2. Varies

    Varies ~Antiban~

    I've played with the idea at one point that they did because they could easily track your mouse x and y position relative to the game like in the games I've built in Java before. In the end though I don't believe and I'm putting this at a 90% guarantee that they follow mouse movement. The random mouse movement was actually going to be apart of a piece of code I was going to override eventually (hopefully) for Interaction with Menus or any object to where the mouse.moveRandomly would actually go to the menu but in different paths more like a human. That's my overall explanation though lol, maybe one day they will view it but imo it's too much work and doesn't really matter.
  3. Looking to buy an obby mauler with 1 attack, 1 defense and >= 60 in strength. I can pay with paypal or paypal and a Chaos Druid personal script I wrote that works 100%. Lmk, name your price and as always, account info first then I'll pay. I've gotten scammed before so anyone with a reputation on this site is more than likely to be picked, such as a sponsor and etc. Thanks again guys, my account was just banned that I was making an obby mauler so starting fresh is typically annoying.
  4. Varies

    Varies ~Antiban~

    Just added a new method to where the Area given to walk to may be adjusted every so often just to make it look a tad more human.
  5. Varies

    Varies ~Antiban~

    Honestly I code as I go for scripting since most of my personal scripts are well, personal. The antiban I'm constantly updating until the final product which won't be for awhile since I'm actually watching how I play and I mimic my movement into the script. My next release is going to be looking at stats that have either changed with xp or level since the script has started instead of looking at it as a whole.
  6. Varies

    Varies ~Antiban~

    Hey guys, I added sleepTime(int low, int high, int buffer). This method allows you to sleep a random amount of time and includes a buffer to which either extends or delays the sleep time randomly itself. For Dummies: More buffer.... More numbers.... More sleep or less sleep
  7. Ahhh alright, I actually haven't been able to dive too far into all the Classes and never looked over the entire method library for it. I'll give it a go but it looks like what I needed, thank you.
  8. Hello, I have been looking around the API for some kind of "hack" that would allow me to click on RSTile's effectively without having any object collision in the way, IE Ground Items. I am tracking down Rockcrabs and my script works effectively enough to the point of going to there location, then clicking where the are using mouse.click(false); Now this has it's share of problems being that it doesn't check that if there are items in the way. Now the problem with rock crabs is that you aren't actually able to walk to there location using crab.interact("Walk here"); Since it's a tile. Unless if I have missed something in the API and there's a massive chance I have, is there a method or even a class that handles RSTile's and actually interacts with them, again by walking here.
  9. Varies

    Varies ~Antiban~

    as stated above, private String interaction = ""; will indeed work. You can merely remove this if you don't want your script displaying what the anti-ban is doing, it's always good to know though due to trouble shooting speeds or simple enjoyment.
  10. Varies

    Varies ~Antiban~

    Varies Anti-ban ~Still in development~ Here's a little antiban scripting code I wrote awhile back before I started focusing on school a little bit more rather than scripting. Basically what this will do is check everything, tabs, stats, ANYTHING, and it's still in development. Right now it's still a work in progress, about 70% done but I'll be adding a ton more into it such as - Joining random clan chats - Setting the appropriate music based on if it's unlocked or not, I'll be using rectangles to get either a total green or red color values. - Dancing, this will be hilarious when not in combat or animating. - AND MORE Anyways all you have to do is copy and paste the following methods into your program, rename random events to antiban and you are all set! *NOTE: YOU MAY IMPLEMENT BUT THIS DOESN'T GUARANTEE YOUR ACCOUNT NOT BE BANNED, BOT WISELY!" IT ALSO LIMITS PERFORMANCE IN SOME AREAS, THAT'S WHY I LINK IT TO WHEN IN COMBAT OR ANIMATING!* public void randomEvents() { try { Random generator = new Random(); int click = generator.nextInt(10); if ((click > 7) && (myPlayer().isMoving())) { note = "Antiban, Mouse Right-Click"; this.mouse.click(true); } int rand = generator.nextInt(800000); if ((rand > 49) && (rand < 100)) { note = "Antiban, Camera Movement"; this.camera.movePitch(random(0, 360)); this.camera.moveYaw(random(0, 360)); } if ((rand > 100) && (rand < 400)) { note = "Antiban, Camera Movement"; this.camera.movePitch(random(0, 360)); } if ((rand > 2400) && (rand < 3000)) { note = "Antiban, Camera Movement"; this.camera.moveYaw(random(0, 360)); } if ((rand > 5000) && (rand < 5500)) { note = "Antiban, Random Mouse Movement"; this.mouse.moveRandomly(); } if ((rand > 6000) && (rand < 6200)) { note = "Antiban, Opening Tab"; this.tabs.open(Tab.ATTACK); sleepTime(500, 2000, 200); this.tabs.open(Tab.INVENTORY); } if ((rand > 6500) && (rand < 7000)) { note = "Antiban, Opening Tab + Checking Stats"; this.tabs.open(Tab.SKILLS); sleepTime(500, 1000, 200); int stat = generator.nextInt(24); if (stat == 0) { this.mouse.move(random(568, 588), random(214, 234)); } if (stat == 1) { this.mouse.move(random(568, 588), random(244, 264)); } if (stat == 2) { this.mouse.move(random(568, 588), random(274, 294)); } if (stat == 3) { this.mouse.move(random(568, 588), random(304, 324)); } if (stat == 4) { this.mouse.move(random(568, 588), random(334, 354)); } if (stat == 5) { this.mouse.move(random(568, 588), random(364, 384)); } if (stat == 6) { this.mouse.move(random(568, 588), random(394, 414)); } if (stat == 7) { this.mouse.move(random(568, 588), random(424, 444)); } if (stat == 8) { this.mouse.move(random(638, 658), random(214, 234)); } if (stat == 9) { this.mouse.move(random(638, 658), random(244, 264)); } if (stat == 10) { this.mouse.move(random(638, 658), random(274, 294)); } if (stat == 11) { this.mouse.move(random(638, 658), random(304, 324)); } if (stat == 12) { this.mouse.move(random(638, 658), random(334, 354)); } if (stat == 13) { this.mouse.move(random(638, 658), random(364, 384)); } if (stat == 14) { this.mouse.move(random(638, 658), random(394, 414)); } if (stat == 15) { this.mouse.move(random(638, 658), random(424, 444)); } if (stat == 16) { this.mouse.move(random(708, 728), random(214, 234)); } if (stat == 17) { this.mouse.move(random(708, 728), random(244, 264)); } if (stat == 18) { this.mouse.move(random(708, 728), random(274, 294)); } if (stat == 19) { this.mouse.move(random(708, 728), random(304, 324)); } if (stat == 20) { this.mouse.move(random(708, 728), random(334, 354)); } if (stat == 21) { this.mouse.move(random(708, 728), random(364, 384)); } if (stat == 22) { this.mouse.move(random(708, 728), random(394, 414)); } sleepTime(1000, 2000, 200); this.tabs.open(Tab.INVENTORY); } if ((rand > 7000) && (rand < 7200)) { note = "Antiban, Opening Tab"; this.tabs.open(Tab.SETTINGS); sleepTime(500, 2000, 200); this.tabs.open(Tab.INVENTORY); } if ((rand > 10200) && (rand < 10700)) { note = "Antiban, Opening Tab + Playing New Song"; this.tabs.open(Tab.MUSIC); sleepTime(500, 1000, 200); stealthMusic(); this.tabs.open(Tab.INVENTORY); } if ((rand > 15000) && (rand < 15200)) { note = "Antiban, Moving Camera"; this.camera.movePitch(random(0, 360)); } if ((rand > 16000) && (rand < 16200)) { note = "Antiban, Moving Camera"; this.camera.moveYaw(random(0, 360)); } if((rand > 20000) && (rand < 27000)) { List<RS2Object> o = objects.getAll(); int guess = new Random().nextInt(o.size()); camera.toEntity(o.get(guess)); } if((rand > 27000) && (rand < 27500)) { List<RS2Object> o = objects.getAll(); int guess = new Random().nextInt(o.size()); o.get(guess).examine(); } if((rand > 28000) && (rand < 30000)) { List<NPC> o = npcs.getAll(); int guess = new Random().nextInt(o.size()); camera.toEntity(o.get(guess)); } if((rand > 30000) && (rand < 40000)) { List<Player> o = players.getAll(); int guess = new Random().nextInt(o.size()); camera.toEntity(o.get(guess)); sleepTime(500, 1000, 200); o.get(guess).hover(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void stealthDance() { int startx = 565; int starty = 215; int row = new Random().nextInt(5); int col = new Random().nextInt(4); int rowMultiplier = 50; int colMultiplier = 45; mouse.move(startx + (col + 1) * colMultiplier, starty + (row + 1) * rowMultiplier); } private void stealthMusic() { try { // randomly picks music for the game Random gen = new Random(); int guess = gen.nextInt(2); if(guess == 0) { mouse.scrollDown(); sleep(random(600, 1200)); mouse.move(random(560,600), random(286,440)); sleep(random(500, 900)); mouse.click(false); } else { // up mouse.scrollUp(); sleep(random(600, 1200)); mouse.move(random(560,600), random(286,440)); sleep(random(500, 900)); mouse.click(false); } } catch (Exception e) { } } // a new version for sleep(random(x,x)); More... random private void sleepTime(int low, int high, int buffer) throws InterruptedException { boolean add = new Random().nextBoolean(); if(add) sleep(new Random().nextInt(high - low) + low + new Random().nextInt(buffer)); else sleep(new Random().nextInt(high - low) + low - new Random().nextInt(buffer)); } Alright here is a new piece for all you scripters out there that need your script lowkey. This will adjust the area for you based on the bounds you give it and the amount of buffer room stored inside, so be careful but in the long run, it should make your script look a tad more like a human due to it's constant offsets. Apply this code to a method that is updated like everytime it would bank, not when it's constantly checking it it's walking or something tedious like that. public Area adjustArea(int lowx, int lowy, int highx, int highy, int buffer) { int finalLowX = 0; int finalLowY = 0; int finalHighX = 0; int finalHighY = 0; boolean add; add = new Random().nextBoolean(); if(add) { finalLowX = lowx + new Random().nextInt(buffer) + 1; } else finalLowX = lowx - new Random().nextInt(buffer) + 1; add = new Random().nextBoolean(); if(add) { finalLowY = lowy + new Random().nextInt(buffer) + 1; } else finalLowY = lowy - new Random().nextInt(buffer) + 1; add = new Random().nextBoolean(); if(add) { finalHighX = highx + new Random().nextInt(buffer) + 1; } else finalHighX = highx - new Random().nextInt(buffer) + 1; add = new Random().nextBoolean(); if(add) { finalHighY = highy + new Random().nextInt(buffer) + 1; } else finalHighY = highy - new Random().nextInt(buffer) + 1; if(finalHighX < finalLowX) { int tmp = finalHighX; int tmp2 = finalLowX; finalHighX = tmp2; finalLowX = tmp; } if(finalHighY < finalLowY) { int tmp = finalHighY; int tmp2 = finalLowY; finalHighY = tmp2; finalLowY = tmp; } return new Area(finalLowX, finalLowY, finalHighX, finalHighY); }
  11. Nah it's not that I need run enabled, its that the walking method doesn't work. Though I'm going to try a step at a time to get it to. Awesome! I'll try it out which makes since for it to work. Question though, does it work by placing the two areas next to eachother or far apart. Say [Area1][Area2][Area3][Area4] -> I've arrived or [Area1] ------> [Area2] -> I've arrived
  12. Title says it all, I've been on Scripting Hiatus since my Goat Killer due to complications but since I'm back I have noticed the API has removed or at least deprecated the use of certain walk methods. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction I've tried // path private List<Position> toBank = new ArrayList<Position>(); private List<Position> toShelf = new ArrayList<Position>(); @Override public void onStart() { try { toBank.add(new Position(random(3323, 3320), random(3137,3141), 0)); toBank.add(new Position(random(3318, 3321), random(3144,3147), 0)); toBank.add(new Position(random(3307,3313), random(3146, 3152), 0)); toBank.add(new Position(random(3301,3305), random(3149,3152), 0)); toBank.add(new Position(random(3288,3297), random(3147, 3150), 0)); toBank.add(new Position(random(3280, 3289), random(3150, 3153), 0)); toBank.add(new Position(random(3276, 3279), random(3155, 3158), 0)); toBank.add(new Position(random(3273, 3278), random(3160, 3163), 0)); toBank.add(new Position(random(3269, 3272), random(3162,3170), 0)); // to shelf toShelf.add(new Position(random(3269, 3272), random(3162,3170), 0)); toShelf.add(new Position(random(3273, 3278), random(3160, 3163), 0)); toShelf.add(new Position(random(3276, 3279), random(3155, 3158), 0)); toShelf.add(new Position(random(3280, 3289), random(3150, 3153), 0)); toShelf.add(new Position(random(3288,3297), random(3147, 3150), 0)); toShelf.add(new Position(random(3301,3305), random(3149,3152), 0)); toShelf.add(new Position(random(3307,3313), random(3146, 3152), 0)); toShelf.add(new Position(random(3318, 3321), random(3144,3147), 0)); toShelf.add(new Position(random(3323, 3320), random(3137,3141), 0)); } catch (Exception e) { log(e); } } But it doesn't run at all on walking, everything else runs fine in the script. Could anyone help out, I'm using walkPath(List <Position> l)
  13. Thanks ALOT! If this really is the case then that's perfect for my script, thank you
  14. Hello, my question up top may be a little bit too vague for a short strip such as that so it'll be better to explain my question down here. I was wondering how the programming went when developing localWalker.walk --> Does the method/function "walk" read in the array all at once and continues executing it until it is done or does the bot go one tile at a time and continues looping from that. I've been on the low with using the client for a bit after achieving some high stats quite quickly so I haven't tested my suspicions and was wondering if you guys could further aid/confirm my suspicions. I honestly think the bot itself goes one tile at a time and then continues going through the loop and doesn't hold up in it's walking method until it has finished. I could easily create a method that holds up into the array until completion but was wondering of the .walk just did itself. Thanks again OSBot Community.
  15. I honestly don't know any other spot that these exist on runescape
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