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  1. I've already had multiple hits on names. No luck involved
  2. I'm waiting for the right people with rep to come around.
  3. Reopened. I will take your offer on that certain name for 55m 07, Maldesto, and put it as one of the ones above.
  4. I will get back to you guys on this. I'm really not sure yet if I want to release any of these names to anyone. Really unsure about this whole thing. Most people that I've seen on other sites or on here tend to low offer on a lot of names that I owned in the past that aren't listed above, and I decided not to sell those, and those are even rarer than this. I'm not looking to sell to resellers, so if I deem that you are just lowballing constantly (i.e. offering 1m over the next bidder, I won't even consider your bids honestly and deem that you are not worthy of a serious offer on any of these names and will ignore you).
  5. These names are all on accounts with minimal stats and are only desired for the names so I don't need to post anything about the accounts. You will get the account itself, and you will transfer the name, if desired, at your own discretion and responsibility. I don't take responsibility for snipes, but these names haven't been released to anyone yet, and I will only release them to people I deem trustworthy. I'm not going to give hints here or even put in the first letter yet, unless the moderator makes me list it. You are going first, or you're paying for the middleman fees. I'm only going to be taking 07 gold or possibly rs3 gold. There will be no real life money involved. ******* - 120m 07 Autowin Current offer: 50m 07 ** - 100m 07 Autowin Current offer: SOLD, for 80m 07 ******* - 80m 07 Autowin Current offer: 55m 07 ** - 180m 07 Autowin Current offer: Decided not to sell **** - 120m 07 Autowin Current offer: N/A ******* - 50m 07 Autowin Current offer: N/A ** - 60m 07 Autowin Current offer: 30m 07 offsite ** - Won't take anything under 125m 07 for this one, and will not disclose this to many people. All of these names are extremely rare, so they aren't going for cheap at all. I'm willing to take bids though in the long-run. If you end up buying any of these names, expect to be complimented ingame, and asked if you've played the game forever. I'm not looking to sell to resellers, so if I deem that you are just lowballing constantly (i.e. offering 1m over the next bidder, I won't even consider your bids honestly and deem that you are not worthy of a serious offer on any of these names and will ignore you). If I found out in some way that you are releasing these names to other people at all, you will not be able to buy any of them. I don't care if you're an admin or someone with huge rep on this site. You're going first or we get a middleman, and there are no special exceptions for anyone.
  6. I was the one that edited that in due to all of these guys not believing it, yet I still proved them wrong.Back to Sythe for me. That's the best community.
  7. I'm not going to touch a bot on this account again in two years. Read the name of the thread. It's the biggest goal I've achieved. But no one can be happy in someone else's success these days. They want to tear you down.
  8. The lack of information will lead them to not banning me. And to be honest, I have much more exp than I stated.
  9. That's not meAlso, only a fool would use CML on a bot account. Have a nice day.
  10. Do I really have to go on my computer just to show? I posted this on my phone. Give me five minutes This is great.
  11. Just broke 24.6m Hunter exp, and guess what? I've been botting on and off on it since 2014. Got a two day then and waited for it to expire and then I botted again. Just got a two day and gained almost 7m exp just in this weekend. What a time to be alive. Was using FrostHunter for most of it. I did make my own personal bot script and used that though for quite some time. Showing a picture of the offense won't prove anything without a username, and no, I'm not giving out the username. Also, I'm not telling exact exp due to people from Jagex probably lurking on here as well. https://gyazo.com/fe4a80b1855837f866df622fcba849b9 Also, I personally didn't want to take it to this extent of posting the offense. But I have a lot more hunter exp that I stated in the original post. It just shows how toxic the Osbot community really is. Call it fake all you want, it sucks to see you all get banned permanently, while I sit at 24.6m hunter with a quashed permanent ban, as well as two bans of two days.
  12. You can shoot me an offer anytime. Skype: Carter.Olberg
  13. Well, I'm here to sell my obby mauler/skiller that I've had that is completely unbotted. I used this account to fund my main throughout the years. I have new accounts that I use to fund my main that I like using a lot more than this one, and am short on osrs gold, so that's why I will be selling this one. If you are buying this account, you will most likely be paying 07 gp, or RS3. I'm not currently going to be taking PayPal for it. Note: It has an original login username and the password has never been changed. I never even registered an email address with the account at all. It is not a member at this time as I am trying to sell it. Pictures of the account: Ban Meter: https://gyazo.com/20ca33cba0dc70ed4b178aaa5161321f Login Screen: https://gyazo.com/7ce4cb45e963533762c1ea8e6c4365d5 Bank Wealth: https://gyazo.com/46ecf1cd22c6c53a95db6ada8590e72c (NOTE: Full Anglers as well) Worn items: https://gyazo.com/693577cfe81388ebf36a21030d25e4a7 Stats: https://gyazo.com/823bea37b0bea82a591ee9374ab106b6 (Some edited out for safety purposes) We will be using a middleman, but most likely at your expense.
  14. I don't know if I asked on her eyes, but how is the ban rate doing? Have you tested it over many hours?
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