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  1. Yes, that makes sense. But is the VPN tunneling everything to a different IP address even if a proxy is used?
  2. Hi there, Not exactly sure where or who to talk to about this topic.. I play OSRS off & on, & recently I've wanted to get back into it because of Christmas break. A few months prior to stopping playing OSRS, I bought an account from a user AMGHugs.. There was a huge dispute, posted here: http://osbot.org/for...sar/?hl=qwazz77 It was settled, & I was finally given ownership for a little while. I took a break because of school & have come back to not being able to log into my account that I had purchased but also not being able to log into by OsBot account 'qwazz77' .... I've requested multiple password changes but whoever hijacked my account must have changed the email. I mainly want the OsBot account back so I can at least have the $30 worth of scripts. I have a screenshot of a couple old scripts I had bought on the account. I have also bought CzarRangeGuild/Theiving/Experiements/RockCrabs and also the Frost Barrows for a few months. I have picture from my paypal account. If there is a better place to post this type of inquiry could I be given some direction, Thank you for your help anyways, qwazz77 ~ Snerp
  3. So, a few months ago I bought ExpressVPN. It has been an excellent choice & I would recommend it! I'm not the most tech-savvy person, so I went ahead & purchased a proxy for botting as well. Is there any point in running both a VPN & a proxy? I have a feeling the VPN tunnels everything to the location I set it to. Any information is helpful! Thanks
  4. Still looking.. The more reputation you have on OsBot the better.
  5. Title says it all. 50 attack (or close to it) & a decent strength level as well. I don't mind going first, but you must be trusted as well as be the original owner. A middleman will be used! Thanks
  6. I'd like to try out a trial as well Czar!! Thanks
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