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    Chicago, IL

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  1. I was chain banned back in February, sad day in my life when I lost 2 nature runners and couldn't get accs going from that point on. I have botted plenty since then so I believe they remove your "flag" after a while.
  2. Just so I get the notifications as I was involved with the trade, I'm gonna post.
  3. Keep your botting on a level you'd actually play, go ahead and play for a given amount of time, and bot for the same given amount of time. Make your botting schedule reflect how you play! I haven't received a ban since I've started doing this.
  4. that was a quick resolution to that user's question, kudos to you ^^
  5. Being respected in the American special forces, Navy SEAL, Green Beret, 101st Airborne, etc... essentially James Bond
  6. Be careful that someone isn't trying to hack your account.
  7. http://gyazo.com/cb6f33f7c30361ce79231deb228b0c7c
  8. If anyone here were to believe that, then why would you have not responded to my message of "failed" "BRO" "COME ON" the next minute after you gave me a fake email and deleted me off of Skype?
  9. I didn't think you could make your money back with yew longs anymore, perhaps I'm wrong, but I may actually do that today, hah.
  10. Just my luck, Disputed member: Swampert Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/54867-selling-level-122-07-account-torso-and-much-more/ Explanation: Had a nice little talk with him, we confirmed he was who he said and I was who I said through a PM, standard procedures. He asked for an Amazon Gift Card, I paid him with a card, as soon as he received the number he gave me a fake username and password, then deleted me on Skype. Posting all relevant conversation, and stuff I feel justifying falling for the scam. Evidence: http://gyazo.com/68e3db732d269bd2b0efd0b70d496c57 http://gyazo.com/8181646ab00cceaf3cf419ed567ab722 http://gyazo.com/860ded8708c652aacd9f2720a9d06dca http://gyazo.com/0e01860e068fd6af5ee1b5e1f954b13c http://gyazo.com/3abfe30b391ea2fd23c15704a0289c4d
  11. Runecraft nature runes, or spin bow string.
  12. damn dude, good job so far. I'm working on a pure myself, however it's a DDS pure. Started it within a week I got out of school so mine's got a good 5-6 weeks behind it, also started out as an Iron man..but uh..yeah no. http://gyazo.com/d94587a3d2c889bd8428bc3ab27b242f
  13. Orion is 3rd party, I do believe that's allowed.
  14. Recently I've only received perms. Granted, those accounts were all less than a month old.
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