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Trade With Caution
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  1. I would recommend against using patterns to identify fields, it's unstable and harder. There are much easier more stable methods of identification. The updater is the easiest, so long as you know the client (You can use a reflection explorer to help identify fields). However, now days most people just steal hooks off updater logs.
  2. Browsing the SDN, and people are trying to sell shitty scripts like a Man Killer or Minotaur Killer. It takes 5 minutes to make one but lets go sell it for $3! lool
  3. all that code does is check if what called it is the login rando event solver which is the file at "org.osbot.vb". if it is that random then it returns the pass to the random event, if not then it throws an error to stop scrpts from getting your pass. here is the logn random event which i wee nowhere where it sends your pass to osbot servers. public class vb extends RandomEventSolver { public static final int d = 101; private W D; private int G; public void onActivate() throws InterruptedException { int tmp4_3 = 1; tmp4_3; 0.G = tmp4_3; a .deselectItem(); } public void onLogin(int a) { int tmp3_2 = 1; tmp3_2; if (5 != tmp3_2) { int tmp14_13 = 1; int tmp15_14 = tmp14_13; tmp15_14; a.G.G = (tmp14_13 + tmp15_14); } } private void c() throws InterruptedException { int tmp16_15 = 1; tmp16_15; int tmp22_21 = 1; tmp22_21; int tmp28_27 = 1; tmp28_27; int tmp33_32 = 1; tmp33_32; tmp22_21.<init>(148, tmp28_27, 35, tmp33_32); tmp16_15.<init>(275); 1; int tmp45_44 = 1; int tmp46_45 = tmp45_44; tmp46_45; int tmp49_48 = 0; int tmp51_50 = 1; tmp51_50; tmp45_44.moveMouseTo(tmp49_48, tmp46_45, tmp49_48, tmp51_50); } private void d() throws InterruptedException { int tmp6_5 = 1; tmp6_5; if (3 > tmp6_5) { a.warn(AF.G("N\016(BeV<Wb\016lZ|\006/\027*\003yLfKs\037=Hg\030a]t]lSd@g\025h\f3^iW#\013%")); a.bot.Y(); } else { int tmp38_37 = 1; tmp38_37; if (0[tmp38_37] == null) { a.warn(kn.G("")); a.bot .Y(); } if ((a.client.getUsername().length() > 0) || (a.client.getPassword().length() > 0)) { int tmp102_101 = 1; tmp102_101; int tmp108_107 = 1; tmp108_107; int tmp114_113 = 1; tmp114_113; int tmp119_118 = 1; tmp119_118; tmp108_107.<init>(148, tmp114_113, 35, tmp119_118); tmp102_101.<init>(301); 1; int tmp131_130 = 1; int tmp132_131 = tmp131_130; tmp132_131; int tmp135_134 = 0; int tmp137_136 = 1; tmp137_136; tmp131_130.moveMouseTo(tmp135_134, tmp132_131, tmp135_134, tmp137_136); } else { int tmp161_160 = 1; tmp161_160; a.bot.A().type(0[tmp161_160]); int tmp168_167 = 1; tmp168_167; int tmp174_173 = 1; tmp174_173; tmp168_167.sleep(vb.random(1200, tmp174_173)); int tmp189_188 = 1; int tmp190_189 = tmp189_188; tmp190_189; a.bot .A().type(tmp189_188[tmp190_189]); } } } public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { int tmp10_9 = 1; tmp10_9; if (8 == tmp10_9) { int tmp19_18 = 1; tmp19_18; return tmp19_18; 1000; } a.D = a.C(); switch (LPt4.G[a.D.ordinal()]) { case 1: a.c(); tmpTernaryOp = a.client.getGameState(); case 2: case 3: while (true) { break; a.G(); continue; a.d(); } } int tmp98_97 = 1; tmp98_97; return tmp98_97; } private W C() { switch (a.client.getLoginUIState()) { case 0: if (0 == 0) return W.d; break; case 2: case 3: case 1: } } private void G() throws InterruptedException { int tmp16_15 = 1; tmp16_15; int tmp22_21 = 1; tmp22_21; int tmp28_27 = 1; tmp28_27; int tmp33_32 = 1; tmp33_32; tmp22_21.<init>(148, tmp28_27, 35, tmp33_32); tmp16_15.<init>(301); 1; int tmp45_44 = 1; int tmp46_45 = tmp45_44; tmp46_45; int tmp49_48 = 0; int tmp51_50 = 1; tmp51_50; tmp45_44.moveMouseTo(tmp49_48, tmp46_45, tmp49_48, tmp51_50); } public boolean shouldActivate() { if (a.bot.B()) { int tmp20_19 = 1; tmp20_19; if (10 == tmp20_19) { int tmp26_25 = 1; int tmp27_26 = tmp26_25; tmp27_26; return tmp27_26; tmp26_25; } } int tmp33_32 = 1; tmp33_32; return tmp33_32; } } Does that look like normal code? It won't even compile. No. It's obfuscated for a reason. Allatori is great at doing this to prevent compilers from producing any readable code. However, the OP and Processor use deobfuscators; thus they have access to the actual code. -.- Harrynoob and I worked together to make a deobfuscator, it removes control flow, gotos, dummy code etc
  4. Thought you meant they have the right to do it when ever they want lols
  5. org.osbot.vb Have fun (If you know how too). Done. pretty sure its not that class, that code is from old jar newer one has different naming obviously
  6. credits: and me for making you all aware They send it to the server..
  7. You just got that from me. Yeah it's true decompile the jar for proof.
  8. I wouldn't say it's cheating because you would still need knowledge to use it
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