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Maurice Moss

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Everything posted by Maurice Moss

  1. I can help you with this if you're interested, skype me. Socioscape.jaiden I can build this from scratch or from software. whatever you want.
  2. No problem at all my man, Glad you like it.
  3. All good dude, I strive for customer satisfaction, even in my free shit. Hope i understood what you wanted with these guys; Would you prefer the credits centered? or like on the kabab or anything? do you like how i changed the style of the text? or do you prefer how it was? Feel free to let me know if you want any other changes or i missed anything. Loving the new politeness towards the designers here, btw. When i had a store here before it was like Yo graphics bitch, make me this shit. WHAT SIZE? HOW DARE YOU ASK ME THAT QUESTION! WHAT DO I WANT IT TO LOOK LIKE? IDFK YOU'RE THE GRAPHIC DESIGNER! U TELL ME, BITCH. I have absolutely no problem editing a project 10 or 20 times as long as you're not a rude fuck.
  4. What do you think about either of these?
  5. duuurrrrp. my bad. lol i C&P'd it first, and then accidentally backspaced it at some point, and then re-typed it thinking i knew it. here's another go;
  6. How do you feel about either of these? (make sure you open the imgur album if it looks like total shit. The imgur embed doesn't seem to handle PNG properly) (mockup)
  7. Do you mean an avatar? I certainly can do those.
  8. Hey, I'll get started on it asap, Right now i'm actually having an issue with Photoshop, Just got it to start re-installing without crashing imediately (the issue was for some reason my favorites folder was pointed to E:/ when i have no e:/ like wtf? i was using this program yesterday.) anyways, Shouldn't be too long. i'll add you on the skype. Edit: All done; let me know what you think. EDIT: Client requested mods :P
  9. Hello. I used to sell graphics here a long time ago, and seeing as the quality of a lot of my competition in this area is very easy to beat, I figure i might as well open back up. Who can't use a couple extra bucks in the ol' paypal account, eh? just to clarify, i do graphic design, not drawing. Unique sprites and renders are not within my abilities, but if you supply me with a sprite or render, i can work with it. My primary skills in this area are Signatures, thread layouts, website templates, avatars, banners, script paints, and anything else that is remotely similar. I have also been known to create desktop wallpapers from time to time. (Proper thread coming soon) I'm not going to have set prices, You can just pay what you want. Base price of $1.00 i guess. .. here's some of my older media. this is legit just random shit that i still happen to have around my hard drives. By no means is it an example of my best work. You can contact me on; Skype: Socioscape.Jaiden Discord: https://discord.gg/Kcdh22T Or Via PM/reply to this thread But skype is your best bet for fast replies. PS, If you want the best looking shit possible, give me something to work with. Don't just tell me "I need X graphic done" Tell me what you want it to look like. I can try and come up with something for you, but only you know what you want. i can only read minds to a certain degree.
  10. I love you and want to have your babies.
  11. Mm, sorry. was reading someone elses ticket who was talking to us just like you, so i thought it was the same person. my bad. in any case, we don't turn people's services off out of spite, we only do it for legitimate reasons, If you have problems with them please contact us properly with a ticket on our website, THAT is the way you can guarantee you can get your problem looked at, or if you prefer, you can PM me on here with your effected IPs and i'll take a look to see if i can find out what's wrong. I definitely check my own website more than i do this one though.
  12. We took your proxies offline only when you filed a dispute on paypal. Before then, we verified that the proxies were active manually, even though our system tells us if any of our proxies are off or slow. None of the IPs you reported to us were ever down. (except for when we had an issue with our server for a day that effected everyone.) That is why we didn't issue you a refund. we have policies for when we do and do not issue refunds.
  13. I've been using your script pretty extensively lately (run over 200 accounts through it in a couple days) Here are the bugs i've noticed: When firemaking, sometimes, if the character is running while you click tinderbox on logs, it drops the logs and doesn't light them and you have to manually pick them back up. When finished mining, i've seen it accidentally double use the gate, and get stuck in the mining area before combat lessons. and just today, i've seen it click on house options when in the first building, at least twice and had to close it manually Those, and i would LOVE to see an option to allow exiting the OSBot client when completed, I have a batch script that recursively generates accounts using your script, then runs whatever script that i choose after all the accounts are done tutorial, the only problem is i have to go and close the bots that use your script by hand, which is mostly annoying because it is a resource waste when i'm batching through a ton of accounts. Other than that, it works fantastically, except for sometimes. Sometimes accounts that are run through it are banned within 30 minutes of starting another script. but i still love it, and you for making it.
  14. One could also potentially write an OSBot script that creates a report of everything done by a user, this would mean the service provider is already running a script, plus you could write bot/automation detection into it. An anti-bot script, essentially. (assuming you're talking about paying people to do legitimate leveling on your account, etc) EDIT: Know what would be cool? if it screenshot over time, then when finished, it tweened all the images into a gif that you could give to the customer. That'd be annoying to re-produce.
  15. Hello osbot! Let me start off with this, I am not an artist. I do not draw, or sketch or paint or anything like that. I am doing Graphic Design, which means things like logos, i can do some minor animation, like shapes and images behind, around beside or otherwise involved in logos or text signatures, etc, but again, i am not an artist so, anything complex needs to be provided. for example, you can say Hey, i want my name like you have with the shatter & glow effect but can you also include a cutout of This render? and i would say sure thing! Now that we've got that out of the way, here's a format for you to use: Type of Graphic: [Signature/Logo, Sprite, Interface, Other] Dimensions: [X,Y] Text Content: [My Username] Materials to use: [Link , Link , Link ...] Favorite Colours: [Red, Blue, Green] Additional info: [Upload it to imgur and send me the link when finished] <- Add my skype from the sidebar if you'd like to get ahold of me immediately Since every project is different i don't have fixed prices. I base my prices off of the difficulty of the task and how long it takes to do it. Unless what you want done is extremely complex, prices will normally range from 1 to 20 dollars for low to medium difficulty projects. 1 dollar being a simple text signature, 20 dollars being something like, a thread layout
  16. Thanks for your support! We're all working really hard on this project. Hopefully we'll have a beta ready in a few months.
  17. Well, it's like i was saying earlier, i don't even really use the site anymore anyways. only when i was really bored. so, meh.
  18. Nope, i made an appeal where i genuinely apoligised, then personally apologized to the staff member whom i offended, but out of pure spite they are keeping me banned for what would normally be considered a very minor offense. So, i've lost my faith in them.
  19. Call it what you want. I know i wont be using the forum, because i hardly ever did in the first place, so why stay now that i can't use the one thing that i DID use from this site? and honestly, i hardly even used the chat anymore anyways, except to advertise.
  20. I'm really not. i just see no point in retaining my membership to this forum when i'm not gonna use it anymore. I pretty much only used the chat in the first place, & what with the crap staff, i don't want to be a part of it anymore anyways. Edit: I don't even bot, or play rs anymore, for that matter.
  21. Hello. Since i've been banned from the chatbox, I'll be taking my leave of this forum. It's really unfortunate that the staff here think they're so much higher up, so holier than thou, that a single insult is enough to warrant a perm ban. Oh well. Anyways, I enjoyed most of my time here, met a lot of interesting people, I'd like to extend a personal farewell to the following people; Smart, Han, Nezz, Catastrophe, th3, and anyone whom i talked to in the chat box, but regrettably can not recall the name of. & to what passes for admins around here, as a matter of personal security, i'd like my account & all my posts deleted. as well, i'd like my other account, Watlingj (which i made entirely to see if i could get into the chat, while it was down one time) to be deleted as well, and if it has any posts, those i would also like deleted. Because your database has been hacked in the past, & since i won't be around to change my password next time it happens.. you know. Anyways, Buh bye. really too bad the staff here can't deal with a single insult, even after i apologized for it. Peace ********s.
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