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  1. You mean... we might have a community that excludes the noobs? This pleases me :P Either way, it looks like it's a false positive as only those two scanners detect anything. Sophos is shit http://community.sophos.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?filter=labels&location=forum-board%3AESDP&q=mal%2FhtmlGen-A#message-list
  2. Get mudstaff and buy like 266k body runes and curse the lvl 45 kek in fight cave for like a week straight and you'll get to 94 at least. Worked well for me considering I bought all the body runes from run shop and paid 6gp ea for all. My mudstaff actually went up in value since I started and I managed to profit about 2m from it.
  3. A few of the randoms seem to be broken now as well. I just had the mr. mordaut random and it was unable to answer the questions.
  4. Probably a script issue, but banking seems to not work for a lot of my scripts now. 7126 is new id
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