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Posts posted by Fay

  1. Does anyone else feel like they are going to get scammed when they buy an 07account for 07gold? I feel like the only reason why they don't want to take paypal is so they can just recover the account and transfer the gold back. 

  2. Why not just POST JSON data instead of a ton of individual parameters? This will allow you to do more things in the future instead of being restricted to the 256 character limit on the URL. I've never sent a POST request in Java however http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4205980/java-sending-http-parameters-via-post-method-easily should get you started.


    Looked into the limit and incoming requests when posted in the request headers are up to 16kb.




    I need to get started on writing the documentation for how to implement my website into the scripts. 

  3. Why not just POST JSON data instead of a ton of individual parameters? This will allow you to do more things in the future instead of being restricted to the 256 character limit on the URL. I've never sent a POST request in Java however http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4205980/java-sending-http-parameters-via-post-method-easily should get you started.

    Thank you for the link I'll look into switching the method on the weekend. The way I have it set now I believe I have a 1024 byte limit instead of 256 char limit I'll look into that as well.

    Trustmybet, what is it that you don't understand? I'll explain anything to you.

  4. I thought I was retarded.....he could have at least tried to send a POST....

    It doesn't even currently read post data if you try to post I believe it gives a 405 error. The reason behind this is because I have no idea how to do post requests in java. Or I don't think I do. The code posted above it just a simple get request but takes the parameters from the url like TheScrub mentioned.

  5. LOL this fucking guy...


    Tried to submit an update AFTER I released... (trying to win the VIP)




    If you looked at the code behind the release you would see that instead of reading url parameters the program reads http request headers. Also I changed the password after the release because I knew someone would try.


    The code to add:

    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.net.URLConnection;
    public class Adder {
    	static String AddData() throws IOException {
    		URL theURL = new URL("https://fayosbot.appspot.com/api/request/create");
    		URLConnection uc = theURL.openConnection();
    		uc.addRequestProperty("secretKey", "!23KeyMaker32!");
    		uc.addRequestProperty("name", "Alek");
    		uc.addRequestProperty("exp", "0");
    		uc.addRequestProperty("time", "1");
    		uc.addRequestProperty("password", "Alek");
    		uc.addRequestProperty("state", "HerbChecking");
    		uc.addRequestProperty("position", "[-1,-1,-1]");
    		return SourceBuilder.sourceBuilder(uc.getInputStream());
  6. Good job winning the smart ass award. You truly were so insightful in this post. (this must be how you get your post count up on these forums) I wasn't asking for an actual number. I was seeing if others who have been botting fishing have been getting banned a lot, to see if it was worth a shot on my account. Please think, it might be hard but it is worth it.

    So if anyone could just say if they have been getting banned a lot, I would greatly appreciate it.

    I actually pride myself in contributing on the forums. This was one of few posts I flamed. I'm just a little shocked you wouldn't look at other posts our use the search functionality. Anyways congrats on finding OsBot I hope you have a great time botting.

  7. IF you take the sq root of an apple then divide it by a whole pie, you will get the approximate number of "5417" now when you take this number and think about it long and hard you will realize that didn't make any sense at all. When you realize that I hope you will also realize NOBODY on this site knows the ban ratio or ban rate of fishing.

  8. Buying accounts has NEVER gone good for me. I have bought multiple accounts one being a maxed zerker, all recovered. Last time I bought a maxed 1 def pure, it was a little sketchy, so I got ~50 def on it, recovered the next day.


    My experience with the RS account market is pitiful :(.

  9. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/61138-


    Ignoring everything else that took place, if you didn't scam him and you really had internet problems, why would you offer to refund his GP instead of giving him the PP money that you two agreed upon?


    In his goldfarming thread he said he ran out of irl money. So I doubt he has the funds to do so.

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