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Trade With Caution
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  1. Don't you take into consideration that he may be lying? That maybe he changed the email himself? If so then I might as well start buying accounts on osbot then claim they've been recovered. Then I'll demand a refund or the person who sold me the account will get banned.
  2. I'm talking to my friend right now. Asked him if he recovered the account he said he didn't. We're working on a recovery right now..
  3. This makes no sense? I clearly stated that my friend created this account, so please explain how will I recover it? If he has the account and simply changed the email to frame me and he knows I cant recover it because I didn't create the account. Now I ether give a full refund or recover the account ( which I can't because I clearly stated I did not create the account ). This is a win/win situation for him.. can't you see this?
  4. I haven't touched anything to do with that account after I sold it to him. I honestly think he is trying to frame me. Here is pictures of our skype chat. https://gyazo.com/8a2623a2ed965bc28c9e63afe348bfe3 https://gyazo.com/ce1b45790791d502acc1d4bf170ccdf2 https://gyazo.com/f881dbd4adc7378863ef32bdda9ef916 https://gyazo.com/cef578945aa67439e25cde3a822cee1d https://gyazo.com/0d8d4dca65f6508a506f048a82e08e14
  5. I noted your bid. If no one offers higher soon the account is yours.
  6. That's how it is, if you check anyone who got a 2 day ban for botting, their ban bar is half way. Noted, looking for more though. I honestly don't even like runescape I just bot for money. I don't have any use for this account and I cba afk training it. Shame it got that 2 day ban it was gonna make me loads of money from runecrafting
  7. Err, TBH I'm just taking offers right now but around 100m would be nice. What's your offer anyway? I might sell it to the highest offer soon even if it's not 100m. Since I will never be using this account again.
  8. This account got a 2 day ban I have no use for it anymore. This account is a username login and is a veteran account! 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed 5. The price you will be starting bids at NA 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 100m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 07gp 8. Your trading conditions I will NOT go first. You may use a middle man however YOU must pay for his time. 9. Account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address My friend created this account for me. Email will be changed to yours. HIGHEST BIDDER = Toggie ( 65M )
  9. Don't bot all 3-5 accounts on the same IP you'll get them all banned.
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