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Trade With Caution
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About Matthijsd

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Newbie (1/10)



  1. you're done, boyo

  2. When I purchase a script via the store I always get the error: 'we're sorry but we can't send your payment right now' But I can send money via paypal in the regular way, so logging into paypal and click 'send money' and fill in the e-mail adress and the amount I can send money fine. I already called paypal and they said they'll fix it in max 1 hour but its already 4 hours away and still no fix. Can I please send money to a e-mail adress and pay for the script that way? Thanks!
  3. Got exactly the same problem, when I try to purchase a script I get this paypal error too, even when my balance is enough.. Please somebody, help us? Anyone got a fix for this?
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