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Everything posted by Jon

  1. 157 - i agree ^ but i'm here for the free post counts ^_^
  2. Jon

    BETA v1.7.4

    Fast updates, love em. The lost and found random seems to rarely work, it'll say 'appendage found' and then not do anything after that. I have little to no problem with all the other randoms tho . Keep up the great work!
  3. Great update! Few more randoms and it'll be pefect! Good work.
  4. Congratulations to this community and also congrats to Mcnevans~
  5. OSBot #1. Been here from the beginning and i continue to get impressed by the OSBot team every day. Improvements and gains on the bot are made rapidly and effectively, i have no doubt this community will become #1 one day. Very nice job guys, keep up the fantastic work. .^Supported all the way^.
  6. Jon

    BETA v1.4.2

    Good stuff. Keep it up~
  7. Jon

    BETA v1.3.2

    Same, the icy fletcher script won't work
  8. Jon

    BETA v1.3.1

    Very nice looking bot now i must say. OSBot team has done a very great job these past few weeks, Props ;D! I'd love to see this community rise to the top~ OSBot#1! For an odd reason along with many other people, i too have this range of 1-4 FPS since the new version. It is fine until about 5 minutes after the bot has been running, that's when I start to lose alot of fps and possibly have to restart the client. Wish i could help you guys pin point the reason behind it but idk
  9. Jon

    BETA v1.2.1

    Sweet, is there a download link somewhere, i can't find it :p
  10. Very nice work osbot Team! We all appreciate it and give you a huge thumbs up I'll help by testing it out and look for bugs ;D Great work again, everyone can get some sleep now haha.
  11. Hahaha, same :p Got nothing tomorrow so, guess whose not sleeping tonight. lol.
  12. Sweet, looking forward to this! Thanks for putting your time and efforts into making one of these. Great work & keep it up!
  13. Sweet, looking forward to this! Thanks for putting your time and efforts into making one of these. Great work & keep it up!
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