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Posts posted by eleax

  1. I have never had a need to do this, but you can just store one:



    Entity ready = objects.closest(9345);

    Entity second = objects.closest(new Filter blah blah 

         in this filter return false if the object.equals(ready));


    but if it returns false when the closest object is ready, would it pick up the closest object after ready ,or would it just be null basically?

  2. I have a simple hunter script I'm working on which works for 1 trap, but I dont know how to make it work for multiple traps. This is due to the fact that I use :


    Entity ready = objects.closest(9345);


    as a means of detecting my traps. objects.closest only works on one object so I need to find a way to deal with multiple. Thanks :)

  3. So I have read that antibans don't work, and are often times useless. I am very very new to scripting so I am wondering why some scripts have higher banrates than others. And if there is some sort of logic behind this, how I can implement this in my own scripts.


    Thanks :) 

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